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Silage 2009 competition for fun discussion


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great entries everyone again it will be hard to pick a winner well done every one

plenty of your finest products flying about in these pics martin, hopefully next year my karts will be blue and white and half round  :P  :P:o8)

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this competition got forgotten about didnt it ::)

No mate it didn't there are a number of reasons the silage comp doesn't quite draw the attraction it should.

Moderators are constantly juggling members request's for compititions such as these  the main problems we have are as follows ;

Many members want it held during the silage season itself which is understandable as it's usually all kicking off & flat out all around them


some members who would like to enter  are actually out there doing it for real anyway , & just don't have the time


the proposal of holding it out of season is forwarded , but then it clashes with other members harvest times so those members are out doing the real thing & they don't have the time to display either.

The most annoying issue we have is the regularity of many members who campaign for harvest comps never actually enter them  so you see the mods are constantly juggling members requests , & sitting on the admin side of the table  it's not always fun trying to please everyone,  simply because we cant .

so the bottom line is no the comp wasn't forgotten about, many members wanted it but few actually entered it .

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I dont really see the point in these comps. People say they want them then dont enter? Bit pointless and putting more work onto mods.

Also you dont need a comp to post pics, just add to your topic or start a new one to post your pics up  ;)  That way you can post them when you can...

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