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sprayer discussion


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was that attitude more down to old fashioned farming ideas??

our neighbours said we would never be able to do the same work with the alleys we bought compaired to the 575 and mounted rig that we had , but no more than 5 years later they had a self propelled

some people just wont go with the times i guess cant be that hard to drop something into a tank lid?? even the alleys in those days was accessable

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The main point with water soluble bags was that they cut out the risk of exposure to the dust altogether, and there was little risk of spillage.  Most sprayers back in the 80's were designed to be filled via the tank lid, induction hoppers were still a rarity.

Nowadays, I usually put the powders straight down the hopper (though the last couple of years, the only powders I have used have been fertilisers (mainly manganese).

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If it won't go through the induction hopper, I don't use it.  :)

There are a large number out there as WDG (water dispersable granules) but mainly herbicides. There are composition reasons why many cannot be supplied as WDG, but the other reason given is accurate measurement of powders/granules. The density will be constant so why not measure the powder in lt/ha as well? The 'Harmony M' measuring jar is calibrated in grammes but is measuring volume.  :)

There are several closed systems with returnable containers on the go but it's a bit like VHS and Betamax - until on size fits all no one will convert their equipment.

The problem with foils is that the container is waste - but even a rinsed fol is 'hazardous waste'.  :(

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was that attitude more down to old fashioned farming ideas??

No he had problems with them mixing properly in the past. Even though our sprayers were accessible with lids the ideal in any situation is through the induction hopper.

Its bad enough justifying charges to a farmer so you want the job to go as smoothly as possible.

We had very good inducters that would cope with a 20kgs of copper quicker than most inducters would deal with 5l of liquid, farmers were always impressed.

One thing that annoyed me was the addition of wetters into the mix, applied on the advice of the agronomist just to boost sales. Most chemicals have their own wetters, an independant or ADAS agronomists only recommend them occasionally.

water quality  has a big influence on mixing i know of a few farms treat their water supply to make chemicals more effective. Glyphosate wont work properly if the water is stagnant or has a high organic level.

Filling out the drains in the fens you sometimes cant smell the mixed chemical just that horrible stagnant water smell.

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The answer is standardization of returnable containers. The container is quick coupled to the sprayer for emptying and rinsing. It is removed and returned to be refilled. No exposure to the undilute chemical and no disposal of contaminated plastic. As stated systems exist, it just needs industry harmonization.

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