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'The Victorian Farm Christmas.


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The first series that they did, 'The Victorian Farm' screened last year was the programmes that was accompanied by a book and was later also released on DVD. I think there is a DVD planned for release on this last Christmas short series as well. The book is very good and although advertised at the retail price of £20 I got a copy from W.H. Smith when it came out for £12.

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Yes, it worked perfectly. I think they must have had a bit more help with it than shown in the programme as the bellows had been cleaned up and looked like new. The farrier tested it out after they lit it with a couple hundredweight of coke and shod Clumper the Shire with his new shoes. Then Alex, tutored by the blacksmith made an iron doorknocker for the old man Acton for a Christmas present. Apparently, you should never call a farrier a blacksmith or vice-versa, they are recognised as seperate professions with different skills!

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I would love to be able to aquire a copy of the 'farming bible' they refered to from time to time, 'Stephensons Book Of Farming' but original copies make several hundred quid and the reprints are not cheap either.

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It will come to pass, probably not in my time and probably not in the next generation, that farming and food production will have to resort back to the Victorian methods as climate change and modern resources become strained and economic pressures and an ever increasing need to feed an ever increasing population bites. Back then the pressure of life was substantially less and the feeding of the nation was more important than World economic importance and machinery and farming in general, although more labour intensive, fulfilled the ideal that 'a well fed man did a good day's work' and without this ideal then the English nation would not have built itself to the strength it did up to that time and a little beyond. What I'm saying is I suppose is that when prices are so high that people can't afford the basics and fuel starts to run out then to move forward we will all have to go backwards. It is said that 'history has a habit of repeating itself', it's just a pitty that no-one has seemed to have learnt from it.

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