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Hi from N.I.


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Hi all,  :) thought i would introduce myself. My name is Noel and i am from a small village called Dromara, which is only a couple of miles from Harry Ferguson's birthplace. Claim to fame time ! My great grandfather was with Harry when he made is first flight across Ballykeel Lough. :of  :)

Back to the mater at hand;

I have just recently started to collect old Britains tractors etc, to replace the ones i had as a boy. My little 5 year old girl got some new machinery for Christmas (she is nuts about John Deere's and can tell you every make of tractor on the road) and it sparked up my interest in them again.

Not many of my toys survived from when i was small, but i still have my MF 595, Fiat 880 DT, Nordsten seed drill, bale sledge and a green hay trailer.

Thanks, Noel.

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A nicely written introduction  :) :)

Welcome Noel/moogie. Glad to have you aboard and starting your (re)collection the same way as most of us here have, with our childhood toy graveyard!!

Nice to know you nipper is following suit too. :)


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welcome along Noel!

I too am from NI and am an avid Britains collector.  Please get up some of your collection so we can have a peek.  Hope you enjoy the chat on here and pitch in every now and again!

What era are you collecting from?  The bulk of my collection is 1985 -1995


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Hi Noel... what a great introduction... Many thanks for taking the brave move to say hello.  I'm so going to enjoy watching the money pour out of your wallet when you get the 'bug' from being on here.

I have to inform you, regretfully... there is no cure for an FTF addicition... no pills to ease the side effects of your other half nagging you each time you hit the buy it now button on a Britains item on eBay... no magic cream to make the log in screen go away...

Dr Marky has seen it all before... you are sitting there now... shaking your head and saying... "not me... never.. I have more control than that" ... you'll learn - the best advice I can give you is put you seat belt on and see if the local garage can fit your wallet with an airbag or two.

Welcome aboard buddy.  ;)

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Hi Noel... what a great introduction... Many thanks for taking the brave move to say hello.  I'm so going to enjoy watching the money pour out of your wallet when you get the 'bug' from being on here.

I have to inform you, regretfully... there is no cure for an FTF addicition... no pills to ease the side effects of your other half nagging you each time you hit the buy it now button on a Britains item on eBay... no magic cream to make the log in screen go away...

Dr Marky has seen it all before... you are sitting there now... shaking your head and saying... "not me... never.. I have more control than that" ... you'll learn - the best advice I can give you is put you seat belt on and see if the local garage can fit your wallet with an airbag or two.

Welcome aboard buddy.  ;)

He's not lying.

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Thanks for the warm welcome.  :)

Here are a couple of pictures as requested;

This is all that i had left of my boy-hood collection.


And my recollection so far.All from the mid 70's to the mid 80's.

The Tractors.


The machinery.


Also won this on ebay last night.


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nice models, i used to post on another forum with a member called moogie from N.I on... your eBay link isnt showing anything, is that the auction link?


What forum was that?

B.T.W. the Ford is new. I was very disappointed with it, not up to the standards of the old ones. Doesn't even have working steering!  :of 

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What forum was that?

B.T.W. the Ford is new. I was very disappointed with it, not up to the standards of the old ones. Doesn't even have working steering!  :of 

Agreed - the quality of Britains tractors has gone to the dogs.  After production shifted to China in 1998 the quality took a major dive.  Thats why I only collect pre 1998.

For quality tractors there are many other great manufacturers out there but Britains still has the name and the appeal from when we were youngsters.  Thats the only reason I collect them.  If it wasnt for that, I doubt if very many people would be interested in them today.

You have some nice examples of Britains kit - do you have the boxes or are they all loose?  As mentioned above, your wallet will feel the effect of the influence of this site!  Welcome aboard!

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You have some nice examples of Britains kit - do you have the boxes or are they all loose?  As mentioned above, your wallet will feel the effect of the influence of this site!  Welcome aboard!

All my models are in "used" condition. Never have liked models kept in box's, prefer to have them so that they can be looked at and handled.

As for the wallet warnings, im well used to the  impact modeling can have, owned my own shop for 4 years.



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UKRCRC, i like my models in played with condition too!

Yep! that was me, love building the RC rock crawlers.

Just about to start my next project, a  RC Bruder tractor, but cant make up my mind between a Massey, New holland or a JCB.

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Yep! that was me, love building the RC rock crawlers.

Just about to start my next project, a  RC Bruder tractor, but cant make up my mind between a Massey, New holland or a JCB.

i didn't really like the rock crawler community... much nicer over here! massey all the way!

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