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making barbed wire

Lord Ferguson


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Why not Marky, you obviously have the skills & the patients for it?

I may well try my hand at something very simple sometime... I am wrestling with myself at the moment as I always do things at full speed ahead... I think it's the industry I'm in  :(

I really am trying to sit back, relax and enjoy this hobby and force myself not to try to do too much too soon.  One half of me is in a busting hurry to see some results and the other half is saying take you time - work slowly and enjoy yourself.  Sorry if I'm boring you but it helps me get things in perspective if I type it on here...

Now doctor Udi can I get of the couch now  ???

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I may well try my hand at something very simple sometime... I am wrestling with myself at the moment as I always do things at full speed ahead... I think it's the industry I'm in? :(

I really am trying to sit back, relax and enjoy this hobby and force myself not to try to do too much too soon.? One half of me is in a busting hurry to see some results and the other half is saying take you time - work slowly and enjoy yourself.? Sorry if I'm boring you but it helps me get things in perspective if I type it on here...

Now doctor Udi can I get of the couch now? ???

No get back on that couch as i have one more question?

How long did it take you to assemble your 1st dozen boxes?

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I may well try my hand at something very simple sometime... I am wrestling with myself at the moment as I always do things at full speed ahead... I think it's the industry I'm in? :(

I really am trying to sit back, relax and enjoy this hobby and force myself not to try to do too much too soon.? One half of me is in a busting hurry to see some results and the other half is saying take you time - work slowly and enjoy yourself.? Sorry if I'm boring you but it helps me get things in perspective if I type it on here...

Now doctor Udi can I get of the couch now? ???

Yes I can also relate to that Marky ,

I may be working on one tractor and suddenly I think of an idea for something else and then I'm off onto another .

In no time at all theres 3 tractors in bits ! ::)

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Glad it's not just me then? :)... Cant answer your question Dr Udi as I make all the bits at once.... then assemble later - but they take ages? :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Well there you go then, rip those fergies to pieces take the axles off and swap them about with a file etc and your off and running  :D;D

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i was also going to put barbed wire fences around my farm layout.

the way i was going to it was, buy a sheet of the wire mesh you would use to make a bird feeder.  Then using wire cutters, cut along as close to one thread of wire as pos.  One done it should leave tiny little barbs of metal on the wire. Realys its the weld points.  You dont see actual barbs like you would on a real fence.  I dont think you would.  Its a 1:32 scale layout.  The rest of the mesh would be good stock fence.

let me know what you think of this alternative

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i was also going to put barbed wire fences around my farm layout.

the way i was going to it was, buy a sheet of the wire mesh you would use to make a bird feeder.? Then using wire cutters, cut along as close to one thread of wire as pos.? One done it should leave tiny little barbs of metal on the wire. Realys its the weld points.? You dont see actual barbs like you would on a real fence.? I dont think you would.? ?Its a 1:32 scale layout.? The rest of the mesh would be good stock fence.

let me know what you think of this alternative

Sounds like a muich better idea Goodhead... Anyone want to buy 3 guinea pigs and a hamster in a hurry - they come boxed  :D
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Try this website  .I think it is under diorama / scenery but worth a search anyway they do 1/35 scale barbed wire & also mesh  treadplate etchttp://www.accurate-armour.com/

Excellent site!!! Some excellent items under that listing. Wire, chains, load straps, padlocks. . .. bloody brilliant!!!

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