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i have bought quite alot of models over the past couple of months,i have probably spent over £700 in a period of five                    months, is this normal or are there others that would spend that much.you see am only getting back to collecting them since my child hood and after a serious accident that happened me eight months ago which will prevent me from working any machine for at least another two years or doing any kind of work in that time so i have started collecting 1/32 models as a hobbie.

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Not two people are the same, You can't set a figure on how much that can be called normal..

Its down to yourself, Some may only only spend £20 in five months, others may spend £1000..

Its down to what you can afford and want to buy  ;)

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If i spend to much on models, then the wife hits the brake  ;D .

On a serious note, when i seriously started collecting about 8 years a go i bought what ever i liked, that fills up the shelf's way to fast, so i made a decision to collect 2 brands, only 1/16 of tractors being build between the 60's and 90's and i am even selective in those, so precisions or collector editions, and that for me is still to much to keep up  :'(

O and i buy each toy tractor times anniversary model that comes out once a year.

So looking back i buy about 1 model a month.

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Well I only collect Border Fine Arts and Britain's / ERTL's in 1/32nd scale and I buy all the new ones as they come out. I also buy older Britains as well and especially over the last year or so I have made the decision to spend spend spend since I see it as a better investment than saving and getting very little interest on saved money. In addition I get the pleasure of owning and looking at the models ;D ;D

Each one to one own as they say ;) ;)

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i think a lot of new and born again collectors get drawn in to trying to buy every thing that comes up they have not got ,thinking it is rare or there will never be able to get hold of another ,the result of this is that you will end up spending £1000`s  in haste ,these die cast tractors will always be around and in most cases they are not that much more money to buy now than they were 5-15 years ago ,i think we all start collecting all sorts and then you realise that one you have not got room and two you take a fancy to a particular type /make  of model  ,the bottom line is you can only spend what you have got ,in my case what my wife gives me as pocket money  ;) ;) ;)

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i like most of the current releases but i only buy what i really like, have driven or have fond memories of. I take my time before parting with money, not because of funds but because models i bought several years ago i just find boring, dont appeal to me anymore.

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I have been promising myself to buy a fendt 824 for the last 3 months, nothing has materialized yet due to bills!!! I only buy stuff I have a memory off, or that I am likely to see working in the UK, and if I already have a fert spinner, for example, I am not going to buy another one just because it is a different make, or colour. Unless, as per a typical farm/contracting outfit, I am upsizing or upgrading...

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I only buy models with high detail, mostly ertl precision or limited edition models, i also like viking and weisetoy tractors and would buy universal hobbies for their implements ,the more detail a model has the more i love it. :)

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I limit myself now and make it harder to justify the spending to make sure I really 'need' or really 'want' the model I am looking at. I now restrict myself to Britains I had as a child or models of machines I have driven. I 'need' to catch up though as a lot of older models are being produced now and I have driven them!!

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What's normal? When I first renewed my interest in farm models, I too spent a lot in a short time. Now I pick and choose and might not buy anything for ages, followed by a lot all at once - it depends on what I find on my travels. If you find you can't afford to live and pay the bills, you've spent too much! In my case, Mrs Bigbear tends to notice if I've overspent and comments loudly!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was spending a fair bit there as theyre relitively cheap to buy, but it does soon add up. would have spent at least 100 a month, but was trying to make a few tractors to sell to cover the costs. but ill not be spending much on them anymore as ive all the tractors i want, just need to buy a few tart up bits and a few implements and my collection will be complete

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Collecting models, or anything for that matter has to be looked at in several ways and there are aspects of the hobby which have to be looked at financially. Regardless of what you collect you must be aware of the financial side, mostly in the way you fund your hobby. The 'safest' way is to spend your surplus cash on it as using funds from your bank account can have implications on income and investment taxes as a collection could be construde as an 'investment' and when adding to or disposing of or even upgrading to would legally have to be accounted for and funding in this way you should keep detailed accounts of any purchases and sales as it is classed as part of your buisness. In valuing your collection you should of course insure it but never over insure or value at a high replacement value because if you ever lost it then you would be taxed on what you were paid out above the purchase value as this would be a 'capital gain'. You could have a tax bill as well if you sold your entire collection in one hit. Just something for all to ponder. Yes, my accountant is a bit of a $hit as well!  ;)

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i dont think i have purchased anything since Spalding a few years back, as Harry was on his way and job change at the time, i had priorities elsewhere, still yet to get any new models, but unlike old days when i'd buy 2 or more, spending hundreds each month, but i was ably to then, i'll only look at what i want, long and hard and think do i really need that now, just to sit in the loft?. As you get older, i guess responsibilities change! :-\ :-\ :-\

I'm sure the last thing i got was 2 of the larger disc-o-mulch models?....still nearly, very nearly got some masseys on sat! :) :) :) :)

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I've recently come back to collecting farm models after having a 7 year break (I have sold off all my old collection a few years ago). But I have now made the decision only to replicate the farm I grew up on, which will only be around 3 tractors and 20 small implements max. I will also be collecting models to replicate my ideal agricultural contractors set up, but that wont be huge maybe 5 tractors and 10-15 other models.

So I've tried to keep my spending in check by limiting the models I 'need'. Its the universal hobbies prices that hits my bank account... £35 a tractor :of :of

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I only buy models with high detail, mostly ertl precision or limited edition models, i also like viking and weisetoy tractors and would buy universal hobbies for their implements ,the more detail a model has the more i love it. :)

A lot, probably most, buy a lot when they start collecting, but it usually slows down as they learn which items they will probably see again, perhaps many times - and much cheaper, and which items are 'once in a lifetime' chances.

You clearly have priorities and a plan for your collection, which is excellent, and should help slow down your rate of spending.

You also seem to be collecting what I regard as new(ish) models, which also should generally come up for sale again.

You're in an easier position than I am in that respect, as I only collect items made before about 1970, a lot of my collection being pre-1939 vintage, so the 'once in a lifetime' situation applies all too often.  :'(

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