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Landbouwminiaturenbeurs Zwolle - 2010


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you'd better! we need some help keeping those english guys in check in Spalding :laugh: . It is pretty certain that me and my girlfriend will be going next year again and i hope that Tris is able to arrange the Basildon outing in the same weekend 8):of

Has she run out of English Mustard yet?

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Just been reading the Name Check topic, 276 stands!! Is there normally so many, what was the previous highest number?

I see some great names being added by people with their own stands. :)

For a first time visitor do any of the regulars have any tips or good ideas to share?

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i believe last year there were about 250 stands and nearly 10000 visitors over 2 days.

about 70 stands will be there only on Saturday, these stands (mostly french exhibitants strangly) will be behind the FTF stand in a separate hall where there is also a snack corner. So be sure to check that out on Saturday as they wont be there on Sunday.. (DUH)

Also, for new models/releases it can be smart to not buy the first one you see, but make a round through the hall first. There can be some pretty good bargains if you look good. There is no way you can cover the show in only 1 day. So visit 2 days  ;)

and last but not least, near closing time some good bargain can be had, be not afraid to give counteroffers, you might get lucky ;D

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Well just catching up now after getting back around midnight last night. Fantastic weekend, and a great show. Very impressive and a must for any enthusiast really :)

Good to meet a few new faces and talk to existing friends. A bit of a rush for us at the end to get packed up and back to the Tunnel in time, but some excellent driving by Mr Fry saw us there in good time! I think we all enjoyed it a great deal and will be back "for sure".  :)

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Definately. Great to see some familiar faces and also to meet familiar names whom I have until this weekend not met. Bas, Neils, Johny, Geoffrey, Reiko (and family!) Noel, Davey, Jan,. . . Sorry if I have not mentioned anyone but it was equally nice to meet all these new people. Such a mix of nationalities too.

Brilliant show, big, friendly, very well organised. Roll on 2011.

Andrea from Italy who was next to us, I hope you had a safe journey home and your wife did not keep the money! :)

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agreed 100 % back next year work and time allowing, simply stunning show ,loads of faces finaly put to names, johnny and neils , rekio, bas, geff hoving,the few from ireland like noel david and trevor (hope you didnt get strip searched at the airport on the way home noel) who came up and made them selfs known , to name a few , met so many infact i cant remember them all long day yestewrday getting home, but so worth it,

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