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Ikea do a good range at a reasonable price, ive always found them to be better quality than other flat-pack manufacturers and you can get a half decent breakfast there aswell.

For 99 pence I'm told...I did wonder why a  100 or so folk were lining up before opening time when I was down at the Edinburgh one in the Spring time.

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Thanks for the replies folks. Ikea seems the way to go will have a look at their website just now  ;)

I looked at the Detolf ones at £ 39.90 when I was done to Edinburgh in March but I really found that they were too flimsy for my purpose since Border Fine Arts are quite heavy. I guess it all depends about what weight of models you are planning to display Mart.

I decided to opt for two of the Klingsbo ones which have an extra shelf and are bigger and more robust at £ 79.


The problem I had although they were showing 3 in stock that day there were none when I went down to collect. Instead of hauling my covered in trailer to Edinburgh and back and wasting a day on shopping I used a company in Aberdeen which does Ikea doorstep deliveries. They are not the cheapest but were about the same cost as I would have been for fuel there and back and well I did not loose out on a day that I could spend more productively. Mind you Mar you are much closer to both the Edinburgh or Glasgow Ikea stores. I really don't know why they have not opened one in Aberdeen because I'm sure the market would be there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought an Ikea glass cabinet, about 6 feet tall, 30 ins wide and a foot deep - no metric here - and had to add a wooden batten around the outside edges of the door frames, then adjust the doors to meet in the middle,  as the dust was getting in through the large gaps. It now works a treat and looks OK. (I have to keep Mrs. B. happy or I'll be out in the workshop wiv me trattors!

Those doors on the bookshelves: do they fit snugly, please? I can't quite see how they work in your pics.

Ta very much!

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