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VAT increase.... will it stop you ?

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Well boys and girls, Sean and Tris... models for us 'regular tax paying punters' went up by a further 2.5% today thanks to the budget.... so it puts a £20 model up by 50p ... a £30 model up by 75p and a £100 model up by a further £2.50... so... will it make you think twice before digging deep and 'treating yourself' or will you simply put up with it ???

Will some vendors be cashing in on the rise by adding a little something for themselves as well ???

Your thoughts ladies and gents please  ;)

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well as you know I havent been adding many at all but due to this coming , I have bought one or 2 since christmas, pics when they arrive.......

Like tris however with me its not that big an issue really but yes it`s probably another reason not to buy too many more.

I can see the cost of living rising significantly and money is gonna get very tight for us all what with this fuel increase ....that will affect the price of everything that`s moved about .....heating oil  too is now over 70p a litre in our area  :( .........smells of profiteering rather than paraffin  now I think.

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on individual items its not a massive amount, what annoys about VAT is its 2.5% increase regardless whether you earn minimum wage or £50k a year.

I would also add people moan about price rises for all goods and services but still buy bottled water, nothing makes sense anymore!!!!!!

As for some businesses making a bit extra for themselves then yes 0.5% extra here there who will notice in the confusion and i dont see model dealers being any different, there are good and bad in all WALKS of life.

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Unlikely to stop me buying. If I want something and I can afford it I will buy it ;) ;)

Pretty much the same principle works for me Bill, if I like the look of the model and I feel I can afford it I'll go for it  :) , but if I know there's a few coming out in the same period I will hold off until they're all out and combine the orders  ;)

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I agree on the combined orders Mart....I have had some heck of a size of boxes delivered next day service via G&M Farm Models for £7. In fact I won't buy any new Britain's other than from Graham & Michelle be it at the Scottish shows they attend or by mail order.

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The odd pound or two extras not going to make much of a difference when buying models due to vat. Id be more worried about the UH tax in the next few coming years, i remember not so long ago when a UH tractor cost 15 and now theyre 30 ha ha!.

The VAT hits my pocket more when i visit the petrol pump every week, thankfully i get travelling expenses and can claim some vat back for business use through the farm.

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