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UH Ford 5000 1/32 split advice



3 answers to this question

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well quite hard by the sounds of it..... ive dismanteled the tractor

down to quite a few pices you got to hand it to uh there is one humungus

amount of detail foe your money got the coweling off and bonnet and dash end of the panneling so i will recast them for future ford projects might purchase a 7810

i recon i could make a 6610 even a 7600 if i had a britains 6600 coweling

just useing the 5000 chassis as i cant split it and i dont want to break it in the wrong place

shame i cant get en extra extra small phillips screwdriver  as they are veryvery small the

ammount of parts is incredable looks like i will have to turn to NIGEL FORD for a front

axel for my IH 674 got all parts im casting shored up now ....i will be pouring in the rubber later  cant wait  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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well quite hard by the sounds of it..... ive dismanteled the tractor

down to quite a few pices you got to hand it to uh there is one humungus

amount of detail foe your money got the coweling off and bonnet and dash end of the panneling so i will recast them for future ford projects might purchase a 7810

i recon i could make a 6610 even a 7600 if i had a britains 6600 coweling

just useing the 5000 chassis as i cant split it and i dont want to break it in the wrong place

shame i cant get en extra extra small phillips screwdriver as they are veryvery small the

ammount of parts is incredable looks like i will have to turn to NIGEL FORD for a front

axel for my IH 674 got all parts im casting shored up now ....i will be pouring in the rubber later cant wait ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Im thinking of using a UH 5000 my self as a base for a 4600 & 4000 convo ive beeen planning with a while. I want to shorten the chassis tough on it to repilcate the 3cyl & maybe then use the new (due to be realised) Q cab Britains 6600 bonnet,cab etc on its chassis for the 4600, also the newer Britains 5000 likewise for my 4000 convo. Would the UH 5000 be a bad choice ya reccon? If its that hard to work with!

One thing is i must have the UH 5000 wheels for the convos, but would love to incorparate the chassis in them due to the great detail it has. CHEERS.

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