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case 9380 quadtrac

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note to ones self,when buying a donor model ,check that you can use it,i messed up big time,as i already said,the reason i got the ertl 9150 was for the glazing and the interior of the cab,still a dear way to go about it i know,but couldnt  use the glazing,so 35.00 quid for some worklights and cab interior!!!!!!,oh the quadtrac grill decal was peeling off,so used the plastic grill off the 9150,result,not!!!!!!!!, anyway,couple of coats of matt black on the cab,plus worklights added and front indicators,plus interior and driver added,jobs  left to do

leading edges of front and rear mudguards to paint black,glaze cab,fix wipers,which will fill the gap you can see on the cab frame edge below the roof,paint detail to tracks,add a small step to left of cab,9380 decals needed,mirrors,cab grab rails,cab ariel,rear indicators,and a couple of beacons as well,so loads to do,anyway some pictures





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note to ones self,when buying a donor model ,check that you can use it,i messed up big time,as i already said,the reason i got the ertl 9150 was for the glazing and the interior of the cab,still a dear way to go about it i know,but couldnt  use the glazing,so 35.00 quid for some worklights and cab interior!!!!!!,oh the quadtrac grill decal was peeling off,so used the plastic grill off the 9150,result,not!!!!!!!!, anyway,couple of coats of matt black on the cab,plus worklights added and front indicators,plus interior and driver added,jobs  left to do

leading edges of front and rear mudguards to paint black,glaze cab,fix wipers,which will fill the gap you can see on the cab frame edge below the roof,paint detail to tracks,add a small step to left of cab,9380 decals needed,mirrors,cab grab rails,cab ariel,rear indicators,and a couple of beacons as well,so loads to do,anyway some pictures

also forgot,2 round headlights to do,each side of the grill as in the picture of the real quadtrac in my first post
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little update today,glazing and wipers added,glazing is from a supermarket tomato container,wipers from the ertl 9150,also one of the cab grab rails added,again from the 9150,just ordered a pair of steps,pair of mirrors and a pair of beacons from dave towse,the steps are needed to add one for access to the engine bay,and add one to go on the bottom of the steps that are there on the left side of the cab





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i had a very small stint on a velcourt farm with a quadtrac 450,ive always liked all the quadtracs

I've always wanted to have a ride in a quadtrac, not many around us though  :(  what are they like to drive?

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I've always wanted to have a ride in a quadtrac, not many around us though  :(  what are they like to drive?

not much different than other tractors mate,but the thing i remember was you are sat up high,very commanding position,and not as twitchy to drive as a cat challenger
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;) Tricky business painting the bolt heads on the tracks  :D



they came out c**p,so britains tracks will be fitted joe,the scale model version only has cast the bolt heads on the 2 bottom wheels,not on the top wheel,tried free hand,and it was shocking joe
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I know what you mean,i used the point of a cocktail stick to do the eyes on Mandy's driver in this Massey




i was so ashamed of how it turned out i delibrately didnt show the tracks,im gutted there is a piece of them showing,extra expense getting the britains quadtrac,but as i said they really looked bad, i remember seeing the mf trac,lovely bit of kit,but didnt take much notice of the driver joe
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