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Pullback tractor, in need of help


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Hi everyone, I am new here and I don't know much about tractors.

But I really need help with this one, I have spent hours searching and it's so many out there I was hoping that someone here could help me.

It's a small blue tractor made in Hong Kong, it was bought in Sweden. It has a pullback engine which also moves the exhaust when it moves. It have been taken apart on the picture so all parts are not there. There is no year or manufacturer on it, but I believe it is from the 80s.

I am in great need of identifying this tractor so I can start looking for spare parts. As you can see on the picture it isn't in great shape. It need a new back wheel and a new exhaust and possibly other parts as well, it seems to be more missing.

Any help or hint of direction is greatly appreciated.


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There is very little info but I think it's one of those endlessly produced lines. The customer that I restored it for said it was bought in the 80s.

And by judging by this info it is still produced even today.

It only have Hong Kong on it, no year or company name.

It has a spring loaded engine "pull back", you pull it back and it moves forward. It is very small. I don't have it anymore since it's been sent back but I think it was around 7-8cm.

I first thought that the exhaust was connected to engine due to how it's build on the inside and how it looked when I opened it up, and it would make the exhaust shake when it moves. But I am not sure anymore. I see it's pulled up all the way so no way it will move but it makes sense.

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I think these are great toys for kids, if your looking for one here is a direct link.


I forgot to mention in the earlier post that by the signs of wear on the metal, a bit rust, the sticker being worn down and the plastic being yellowed it probably was from the 80s. The yellowing was clearly visible since one of the wheels where still white under the rubber.

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I would say that it dates from through the 1980's lokking at the 'chevron' bands on the carding. Usually, but not always, on the packaging where the manufacturers details are printed there is usually a Copyright date printed, small c in a circle followed by the date.

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I think these are great toys for kids, if your looking for one here is a direct link.


I forgot to mention in the earlier post that by the signs of wear on the metal, a bit rust, the sticker being worn down and the plastic being yellowed it probably was from the 80s. The yellowing was clearly visible since one of the wheels where still white under the rubber.

Thanks for the link Claes.

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I would say that it dates from through the 1980's lokking at the 'chevron' bands on the carding. Usually, but not always, on the packaging where the manufacturers details are printed there is usually a Copyright date printed, small c in a circle followed by the date.

Yes usually there are copyright, country and year. But on this it's just country which caused a lot of trouble.

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I have two of these models but they don't appear on the pictures shown so far. One is clearly an International design that came with a red round baler and one is a John Deere, again no name printed on the side, that has a large rear adapter where you can put a hedge cutter/flail mower onto. They are probably in the region of 1/43 scale I think? Mine are about 15 years old I think.



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These were originally produced in 1985 and were made by NPS in Hong Kong.  Britains remarketed them as the 'Action Drive' from 1989 to 1993.

They have been sold in various different types of usually unbranded packaging over the years by various toy importers/suppliers.

It is clearly IH based and had a sister model which was obviously representing a John Deere (shown in Niels photos)  Originally (in 1985 and long before they were sold by Britains) the models were decalled as an 'International 3180' and a 'John Deere 3185', but NPS had no licences from the OEMs and were threatened with legal action by both companies and from then on they were sold without any name on the decal .  The original IH and JD badged versions are hard to find!

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