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here some pics (hopefully theyll post) i took of a local farmer last summer who cuts his own silage. he has some fleet considering he does no contracting work what so ever ive only a couple pics scanned on now but theyll keep ye going for a while

mowing 3690

drawing 3645

drawing 6190

drawing 8120 x 3

all the trailers are redrocks

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heres another one from last yearits a 2720 a couple of the farms near me pool their resources together to do their bales on their farms one owns the baler, the other the wrapper and the other bale trailers etc ye get the idea, anyway i was giving them a hand one day went loading this with a 6810



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:) there actually from two different farms with nothining in common, and the baling crowd has no loyalties since its about 4 different farmers coming together, along with the ford and mf there was a lambourgini 105 baling an international 1056 back in the yard wrapping and a case jx 90 loading in the yard all in all i was probably on the best kept tractor after the case
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You got it FP, its a place near me with a lot of bad land thats on the foot of a few montains so theres alot of rain water run off that goes down into the valleys, all loading had to be done at the top of the field as it get wetter as you go towards the bottom because of springs close to the ground surface so theres no way ud pull a trailer load of bales up the hill................... makes for interesting logistic sometimes those wet fields  ;)

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they used to draw pit silage out of these fields but it was a nightmare. across the road to this one the ground rises sharply, one year a 2640 and silage trailer went in the gate and went about 20 ft down the blow before the trailer turned straight over, after they straighted it up again, and got as far as the top of the field and over she went again this time with almost a full load.

and in 97 on the same farm there was a fairly serious accident in which it was very lucky no one was killed. one of the farmers tractors at the time was a belarus purchased bran new the day before, as you come off the main road there is a very steep hill going to these fields, its on a ring system cos the track is so narrow so the tractors go down the steep side and up the other side with the loads which is less of a clime. anyway as he was coming off the main road he went to change down gears but missed the gear, the breaks wouldnt hold it and straight down she went in neutral, tractor was thrown over a ditch at the bottom and the trailer came over on top of it, the driver suffered broken bones and was in hospital for a while, his passenger jumped from the cab which they reckoned was what saved his life.

and finally six months ago on another farm in the same valley a cs130 spreading slurry jack knifed and turned over!!!!

its defidently a challenge working this valley

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