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What Do You Grow In Your Garden

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Early this morning circa 6 am the tatties were standing up like soldiers at Kemnay so I decided to give them a final drill up. That hand drill plough with weight is so much quicker and better than doing it by spade 8)







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Yes I'm pleased how they have come on Robert after hoeing the chickweed twice raking off with spring rake then forking in between before drilling up twice with that old hand pulled drill plough. I remember dad always saying tatties liked working and I must say if he is looking down on them he would not be able to find fault in my efforts I have made this year I hope :huh: 


The long drills were planted on the 15th and 16th April so they have been in for nearly 8 and 1/2 weeks. Mum say's they normally need 10 to 12 weeks so in another 4 weeks we should be sampling the early varieties which figures since the Glamis Castle rally is on 13th and 14th July and that is usually when I try my new ones at home....with corn beef and salad cream and lettuce...can't wait 8) 

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My Father Bill will not be looking down on the spuds, he'd be wanting to look up through between the rows to see if they'd been banked up properly! ;)  I haven't grown any spuds this year as being on my own I don't really use that many, we, my Brother and I, have tilled most of his garden to spuds, I took out the drills, he dropped the seed spuds and we both covered them in, I've been weeding and hoeing them and now as soon as it's dry enough I'll be banking them up. You could say that I have tilled some spuds, just not in my garden.

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Give it a good dunging for the winter and put it to spuds again I reckon. In truth I reckon it's about half the total area that's in spuds now, the bit of ground runs from around 15 paces down to a point and it's the pointy end half that's in spuds, the wider half is a row of peas, a few rows of carrots and beetroot so next year it will be the other way round. The bit of ground was previously very abused by the previous owner and got very weedy and has taken several years to get clean, you can't keep spraying to kill the weed every year otherwise you kill the soil as well so it's better to keep it worked over. Funny thing is, small seeds seem to do better in my garden and the spuds do better in Brothers.

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 Thing is i put  a few nest box s for the blue **** & now the little sparrows are in there  1 pr most have bred nearly 20 young birds last year  at that rate i ll be full :of

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Well, I seem to be doing all the work in my Brothers garden as well as my own! Banked up his spuds and weeded out his beetroot this afternoon whilst he took his wife shopping. Women eh!, I don't need one, I've got an AGA.

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This is Brothers garden. Carrots are not very far on, it's been too cold by night and lately very dry but things are beginning to move now we've had a good soak. You can't see the beetroot unless you're close, have had to re-till 3 times, this time the seed has germinated. Peas are doing quite well and the spuds are looking well despite being tilled late.


post-806-0-53046900-1371322102_thumb.jpg  post-806-0-57695800-1371322117_thumb.jpg





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The only reason it's clean Robert is because I hoe it twice a week and any weeds that are too close or in between the small seedlings I'm on my hands and knees pulling them out, weeds that is!  Yes, I know the spuds are not that straight, probably because when  I'm taking out the drills with the digger, I'm working backwards. Brother should be doing it, he does a bit but working nights and sleeping most of the day, doing what he has to do when he's up and preparing for the next nights work takes up the majority of his time, he does have time to himself from work and will do a bit in the veg patch when I nag him to or tell him I need his help there, his other garden time is mowing the lawn twice a week, trouble is, I do all mine myself, veg and lawns and my side is more than 3 times the area, still, mustn't complain, there's only one thing better than picking stuff out of your own garden, picking it from someone else's! ;)

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I applied lawn after cut and conditioner to mum's grass on Friday so good to see rain overnight and yesterday to water it in ;D  ;D




Good to see the tatties at the back are shaking hand's.....they won't be next year....since the bulk of the back garden will be in chuckies.


I ordered blight spray yesterday since that will probably need applying in July.







The sweet peas and Tom Thumbs are coming on nicely....must have been that dunging they got.




Still a bit patchy at the side where I used Round up to kill the dandelions as well as the grass so maybe more lawn patch is required.



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The spray you intend to get for potato blight Bill, are you getting the blue/green powder you mix with water that we discussed last year, Bordeaux mixture?        Everything in gardens seems to be growing on a pace now everywhere, probably because the soil is now much warmer. We're still about a month behind, should be picking raspberries now but the flower on the canes has just started dropping and the fruit forming.


I'll have to try some of that lawn conditioner in my washing machine Bill, perhaps it will bring back some colour to a faded shirt and pair of jeans, stuff they call conditioner that I've been using only make the cloths smell nice, that's if you don't mind your clothes stinking of so called 'spring'!

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I've just had to go out in the garden to put up some white carrier bags on sticks  as there's a couple of wood pigeons here that seem to like my cabbage plants that I put in on Wednesday afternoon, if that doesn't keep them off I'll have to get out the air rifle.






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No Bill, early days but they've not been back since or not in the garden at least. They are a resident pair and nest very close to the house and are around all year long, if they were just a passing oppertunistic pair that happened to take advantage of my labours then the air rifle would have been the first tool employed but I like to see a diversity of wildlife in the garden providing it can be dissuaded from munching on my much laboured over produce, I don't believe in shooting everything, if I did there'd be nothing left.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to mum's this afternoon and sprayed the tatties in the back garden for blight ...just in case we suffer from rain again after this unexpected heat wave 8)











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Today I dropped mum off at Inverurie for shopping at Morrisons and went on my travels.On the way back to Kemnay she said there were new Ayrshire tatties which were small and dirty for sale at £ 1.36 per lb. I said the ones at Kemnay must be ready so lifted two stems of Red Duke of Yorks and although not big they looked nice and will go down well for tea tonight. They weighed in at 2 lbs on the scales I'm told so maybe I should lift some more and put a sign up at the end of the road "Tatties for Sale"


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Thank's Niel's and I can assure you they tasted good as well with chicken and cauliflower and cheese sauce.

I had forgotten about the ones planted with the lawn clippings...those are at home and I think they were a mixture of some unknownseed ....but thanks for reminding me and I will try and remember to let you know when I lift them.

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I was across at mum's this afternoon and I took over 3 "Arbroath smokies" for tea so I had to lift some new tatties as well. This time 2 stems of Aminco potatoes...bigger than the red Duke of Yorks but fewer and only 1 and 3/4 lbs from the two stems in comparison to 2 lbs from the Red Dukes...but hey ho I'm sure they will taste fine.



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