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Annandale Model Exhibition Sunday 10th March 2013


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Glad to hear you are so busy Paul keep going, the tables are stil 6 x5 are you wanting one for your mum and one for your self ?. The stage has a taper on one side hope it will suit your needs. Sorry the BFA you enquired about is not avaliable.


I'll try my best to hunt out a bit more Kenny. if there room for me on the stage then we just need one 6ft x 5 ft table thanks  :) Not to worry about BFA one will turn up when i least expect it ;)  

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Two weeks folks, I beta get the dust knocked off the models and make my mind up what im going to bring, looking foward to a good catch up with everyone and a good day out

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Boys and girls remember and start saving your pennies for the event 2 weeks today. I will be taking down a BFA for display and hopefully for sale.













These will be for display and not for sale



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Two weeks folks, I beta get the dust knocked off the models and make my mind up what im going to bring, looking foward to a good catch up with everyone and a good day out


It soon be here now Mark......... i bet Brian can almost smell the cake........ if it had been baked yet  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Looking forward to the show.All my display is ready to go.Better get there early for the cake if Brian AKA Mr Softie is going ;) .Only joking Brian (I Think).Looking forward to the show and catching up with everybody.

Beware i might get their before you , no seriously the cakes are just mouthwatering i think Lynn should set up a cake shop with her skills , no mater what is made they are so moreish , a real talent

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I'm under strict instruction not to reveal any clues about the "Cake"...... but mum said that there will be a suprise on the day ;)  ;)



Sounds ominous......maybe I should be on a water and oat meal diet for the next two weeks or have man flu ;D  ;D

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make sure there is plentyof cake to go about paul . what models do you have to sell ? i still plan to go even tho things have changed at work  due to sickness n lay offs

I'll try my best David..... though the cake is mum's domain. There a few bits an bobs, all 32nd scale, some britains, siku, and UH plus a few other odds and ends. Be good to catch up with you, seems ages since Lanark ;)

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By the time we have all eaten all the cake at the show it will be    (Sick O,Clock At Night)  sorry meant to say six o,clock at night.Looking forward to them paul.I have all my display ready to go and should be a good day.

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I like the sound of that paul, im still not sure what to bring, going to set out stuff at home this weekend, an see what looks best, then get the models packed in to boxes ready to roll

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Well I know what I'm taking and have everything in the spare bedroom except the litre bottle of Whyte & MacKay whiskey  ( in my boot already) for the Tombola stall if that is appropriate...or if not it will be a present to the Beeton family for all their good work over the years for this model show ;D  ;D

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That will be great for the tombola wine is more my thing( Shirley here) Kenny does not drink much.   One week and we will have the hall all set up and raring to go and ready for all you wonderful people who come to support us.   We looking forward to a new hall which adds a bit of excitement to it.    All we want is to give something to Alzheimer Scotland and meet up with all our friends again.   Bring it on !!!  Must go wine is shouting on me now (Paul you know what I am like )  xx

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Yep, i know what your like Shirley ;) .......... 4foot 12 and a quarter inch tall ;) ........Blonde hair :) ......... a wicked sense of humor >:D.................. and a badge that says " :police: Quality control :police: "......... you sample wines to check the quality for everyone else :laugh:  :laugh:



Joking aside, Gretna wouldn't be the same if it was organised by anyone else....... exhibitors and traders come to support, but it's you and Kenny that get it all together and make it what it is. Next sunday can't come quick enough :)  :)

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