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Anyone interested in fly / spin fishing?

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When I was a youngster I was into river fishing on the rivers Don, Deveron and Dee with my dad from around the age of 7 until 13 or 14 but then lost interest when I did not catch anything. I have been having a tidy up of my late fathers things and have discovered he has some of my rods as well. I can't see me taking up angling again since I probably have less patience now then I have then...probably caused by working in the oil industry for nearly 26 years where things are always wanted now or as quick as you can.


Anyway some of the fishing gear of ours that will be going to auction over the next few months.


The contents of dad's fishing bag...why 3 pairs of scissors and a spare otter I don't know...but maybe that is where I have taken my collection and or hoarding obseaaion from :huh:




2 Ryobi fly reels for our Sharpes of Aberdeen 3 partce 12 foot split bamboo cane fly rods. Mine on the left and a more used one of dad's on the right,...both complete with parts list and instruction on fly casting ;D  ;D







Dad's spinning rod with Mitchell spinning reel which were said to be the Rolls Royce of reels.






My second spinning rod and again with a Mitchell reel




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The landing net opposed to a gaff should you catch anything ;D  ;D




My 12 foot Sharpes of Aberdeen 3 piece impreganated can rod which dad made at evening classes but I did the homework and wippes on all the eyes with thread since my eyesight was better than his... then I tkink shellac and boat varnish were painted on but I could be wrong since that was a long time ago.




My first spinning rod minus the reel which I recall broke....from Woolworth#s in Aberdeen where the new Trinity Center is but well that must have been a long long time ago ;D  ;D




My first fly rod which I was given as a youngster by a river owner on the Deveron when he saw what intesrest I had in fly fishing...the other two sections in the forground I'm not too sure where dad acquired them from and well I will never know now.


Dad's rod made a year earlier than mine



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In addition i found this in the loft beside his fishing gear....not for fishing but it uses some similar items to that used for fishing...so what is the mystery object in the black rubbish bag :huh:



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A shark club? No, I know what it is, it has a large end that's round and a raised lump on the top, looks like a guitar. The fishing connection you're thinking of Bill, would that be the strings by any chance? You could use it for fishing, take it with you and whilst dangling your worm or casting your fly serenade the fish with a tune giving them a false sense of security and serenading them out of the water. ;)

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Well it's quite small as I think your photo 'booth' isn't that big so a violin perhaps so that you can play it when you are telling everyone about the one that got away.

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Violin, fiddle, whichever you like to call it Bill can be quite valuable, especially if it has a one piece back and the bow can be just as valuable, look for a name stamped on it on one end or the other, the bow that is.

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