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DMR Machinery Club Weekend January 25 / 26 2014 Freuchie in Fife


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Pete Small sent me the following information to me yesterday. The second show will be on again and I will be attending. Pete is still looking for more people who are willing to display farming dioramas so if anyone is interested in displaying please let me know and I will let Pete know.


DMR Machinery Club Members Weekend

 The DMR Machinery Club dedicated to the products of International, David Brown and Case and all their associated concerns is having a repeat of their hugely successful Members Weekend at the Lomond Hotel, Freuchie in Fife, KY15 7EY on January 25th and 26th.

 Like last year’s event when Old Twenty Parts, Classic Tractor Books and G&M Farm models were present this year’s event will have the traders set up stall as well as displays of model collections and dioramas, photographs and literature.

 Lectures and seminars are being planned while the club’s AGM will also be staged over the weekend. With Christmas out of the way it offers a great chance for tractor fans to get together in the midst of winter in warm comfortable surroundings to talk tractors over a pint or a plate of soup as well as look at the displays and merchandise. It is a great chance to spend some of that Christmas cash.

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Away sunning your self again Brian... :huh: never mind you would not have seen many green and yellows there but I'm sure I will have a photo or two to share. I was saying to Peter I would try and dig out all my 1/32 Britain's and Ertl David Browns and International's well the more classic ones since I had my 1/16 scale Spec Cast Cubs last year and I like variety and change at shows otherwise they will get a bit stale.

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I'm booked in to the hotel for the Saturday night so I'm looking forward to the event since it was a good one last year. Depending on the weather I may go down on the Friday afternoon instead of such an early start on the Sunday morning but I can decide nearer the time and there is a Premier Inn at Glenrothes just five miles away.


I had Callum Morrison the organiser of the Dingwall Show on the phone last night and he and his dad Mark are considering attending with a diorama which was what Pete Small was looking for.Only in its second year but a nice small show and in my mind change and variety are required every year so instead of my 1/16 scale Spec cast Farmall Cubs I need to dig out my boxed 1/32 scale Britain's / ERTL David Browns / Case and International's...only the classic ones though ;D  ;D

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I thought it was a great weekend last year Brian. G&M Farm models were there as was Stephen Moat with books brochures and DVD's and also the Old 20 parts company. There were not many exhibitors last year but Mike and Avril were there on the Saturday and Graham Hill and Davie Wallace took Nuffield and Leyland models and memorabilia on the Sunday. I was there both days as was Alistair Robertson displaying and selling his 1/16 scale tractors and also David & Joyce Symington  who had Case models on display. Saturday evening was good with after dinner speakers and slide shows on the three brands of tractor. IH / DB and Case.


I will send your contact details to Pete Small as a maybe and also Pete's to you just so he knows what is out there.

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I suspect they may well be James. Michelle was certainly asking me at Lanark. I forwarded Pete's newsletter to Layla but whether the chairman Jim Harrow or Pete have been in touch with them I don't know.

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That reminds me I must look up what new on their website and make a list. If Graham and Michelle are not at Freuchie then we will get them at the Holiday Inn Express in Perth in early March 2014.

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Joe...but you could bring a party to a party surely :huh: ... ;D  ;D 


I  have just heard today there is a big sale of Case and International tractors and implements the Saturday before this event at the Forfar Auction mart of Lawrie & Symington of a well known Scottish tractor collector and a very good trailing ploughman who is terminally ill. I will be attending the sale and well I hope the vendor does as well but from what I have heard today at the Friockheim Ploughing Society at Parkhill Farm near Arbroath today the prognosis does not sound good for him.


In addition I was talking to another well know tractor collector ( mainly CASE)  from Strathkinnes in Fife and he was saying he was proposing to take two of his Case tractor's to the sale for auction.

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  • 1 month later...

I was talking to Pete Small on Saturday at the George Mutch sale at Forfar on Saturday and he said Mike and Avril from Bridge of Earn could not manage to attend and exhibit this year so there will be no diorama's as such. In addition to myself displaying there will be David and Joyce Symington from Strathkinness with their Case collection and also Ross Yeaman (aka Rosco) from Cupar Angus but he is an Oliver collector so it will be interesting to see what he brings along.Pete was saying there are also two young local lads who are taking along some of their models to display. Looking at the forecast it is good to see there is no snow forcast for this year which is good.

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I stopped in past this afternoon at the Lomond Hills Hotel at Freuchie and G&M, Old 20 Parts , Classic Tractor Books and Stephen Frater of S.D Frater Farm Models were all setting up for the next two days shows and had a good chat to all including a few other early bird spectators.


Many thanks to G&M well Michelle actually for these lovely gifts 8)











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D & J Symington




Callum Morrison was down from Dingwall as a spectator with dad Mark.




Two new local exhibitors...must get names tomorrow..and Joe was saying they had not heard of FTF







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Nick and Phil from the Old 20 Parts Company




Alistair Robertson was back for a second year




Some of Chairman Jim Harrow's displays






Me my self I and yes a non Britain's which Alistair Robertson kindly gave me





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