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Doublechop Harvester Query


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The bottom half of the forager is very similar to the KIDD mark 2 but also the Taarup DC 1500, there are however a few straights at the front round where the metal has been folded rather than rounded the whole way like the Taarup and Kidd.. The chute is neither Kidd nor Taarup though. The front "depth" wheel is in fact to replace a skid that features on the TAARUP and KIDD machines and this wheel will be adjustable for height. The forager is fitted with significantly larger wheels than Taarup and Kidd. My guess is that this machine has no connection to the Kidd nor Taarup but just follows closely the design as realistically theres not many more ways of making a double chop and even the New Holland 339/342 machines follow the same basic design but carry a more square body shape. My guess is that this machine is connected to either GALLIGNANI or ELHO as its their colours and although Gallignani never actually introduced a double chop forager they may have made a prototype and ELHO either still do or did to very recently offer a double chop forager and this may have been one of their first prototypes. Now it may also have been some completely new to the forager market manufacturer and again maybe never got to the point of sale and I'm thinking maybe TAARUP or KIDD may have had something to do with that because of almost copying their design. The truth is that LUNDELL had this basic design many years before Taarup or Kidd ever produced a double chop and the LUNDELL 605 was also sold in MASSEY FERGUSON (762)  and JOHN DEERE ( 15AE)  colours... Badge engineered as we call it.... the colours of the above forager do however look similar to AMAZONE as Sean has mentioned but to my knowledge Amazone never offered such a machine. The background also suggests strongly to me that this machine is of IRISH origin

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There's not enough similarities to rival machines to suggest it is a combination of parts, the chute for example seems unique to this machine, I'm curious now as the machine seems to be awaiting decals. It would have been cheaper for a farmer to buy a new forager than to make his own as a one off.. The background would eliminate Gallignani although they did produce a precision chop in similar colours. I can't see the machine offering any advantages over the excellent Taarup and Kidd offerings of that time, the machine also has hydraulic controls as opposed to manual. I'd like to see under it more closely as theirs strange little fingers just about visable which aren't present on other makes. The colours however are closer to Amazone than anything else  but the background scenery suggests otherwise

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I see the answer to the query now on facebook. KEENAN that makes the diet feeders.. Id never had guessed that but the machine apparently never made it to sales stages so therefore most people including myself will never have seen one

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