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Corbridge Vintage Rally 11th & 12th of June 2016

Valley Axe Man

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Had a trip out yesterday up over the Cumbrian hills into Northumberland to the Corbridge vintage rally with fellow ftf member David (dm434) and "The Gentle Giant" our good mate David Steele, and his neighbour th'owd Tom, fresh back from another one of his holiday tours. Always good to catch up with good mates and have a bit of banter :) I took a few photo's of some of the exhibits, hope you enjoy........;)

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And that concludes the photo round up of the Corbridge vintage rally yesterday, hope you like and enjoy, sorry if picture quality not the best, I've a long way to go to learn how to take a good photo :laugh: Was a good day even if it isn't the biggest show of it's kind, and cheers to David (dm434) for booking the table in the pub afterward, just got to feel sorry for them stressed waitresses. I'm sure it being held around David's local area he might be able to shed abit more light, but a good day was had by the lads from the 3 counties  of Cumbria, Northumbria and Lancashire 8) 

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Cheers Martin and Mark, There were a few more timber based machinery exhibits last year including a half-tracked Ford 4000, but weren't a bad show. Aye that Leyland looked well, though bloke on it didn't want to seem to open her up for the growl of the V8 rather than the lad on the 4620 Deere, that had a turbo whistle that would shame any..... it were like music to your ears 8) 

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Good photos Paul . Glad you could make it up here. The show been on every year for  the last 30 I think . This i believe is its second site in those years .


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