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First Cut


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Well, after a wet day or two the new leys outside work are nearyl 3ft tall and flat in places. ..  . I have a horrible feeling when the Fendts and Massey's turn up with the 890 Speedster I would have already left and will miss all the action ...  :'( :'( :'(

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FP some of the farms round here are quite small so the first cut is taken very early . A chap called david heywood 2 miles away will soon have his first 60 acres of first cut done ,then a contractor comes in to plough as soon as the forager leaves the field so he can get his maize in . the second cut comes from the smaller fields which is baled :)

Thanks now it sound beter to me.

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Lovely pictures SPN, and NCC did you just say the 7740 wasn't bad  :o  :D :D You feeling ok  ;)

I reckon if it stays nice all this week, first cut will be around Friday for most farms.

Yep the Ford wasn't bad yesterday, carting 6 ton of fert with it today was something else though, gearless and gutless ::) ::)::)

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phill ,you'll get plenty of silage action at lackham , got a fair few big contractors round that way , tris could probably tell you who they are though .

SPN's right when he says it's frantic , apart from break downs or punctures it's flat out all day. it's not too bad for a farm operation ,but if yer on a contecting team  the level of concentration needded week after week does tire you out, but if you got a good crew & cb's then it can also be a lot of fun, even when yer knackered  :)

Yer that is one bit i'm looking forward to about lackham seeing something different as never done silage and cant wait to give it a go and plus met a bloke that lives only few miles from lackham that said he'd try and get me a job on silage this year on maize  ;D ;D  but made no promises but love to have a good wack at silage subsoiling does get a bit tedious  :D :D

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