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What really annoyed you today

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Tape em up then twinkle toes... or you'll get two ugly cauliflowers... I should know... I'm a fruit & veg man  ;);D

No i mean delicate ears listening to all my swearing mate... I have a cauliflower ear already  :-\ :-\

Its all good fun i did that playing rugby.


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seeing the state of our taarup mower after it hit a pipe sticking out of the ground  :'( it was only about 2 inches out the ground but its done some damage  :-\ write off i think :-\ its bent the deck ,the frame ,the pin where the ram joins , and a few discs are out of line  :'(

Oh fu.......sorry, what a pain. Ever thought about getting a proper job? Ever thought that someone is trying to tell you not to have anything to do with grass farming. Was this a contracting job, and if so will you be able to claim on someones insurance? It's great to see all these machines with hundreds of horsepower covering hundreds of acres of grass with butterfly mowers and front mounted mowers, but all it takes to bring them to a standstill is a piece of two inch pipe dragged up out of the ground by something like a subsoiler and that's it.

    I presume this was a trailed mower, as we often read about tractors spun around and turned over after hitting obstructions, so at least that didn't happen. I expect many contractors cash flow is such that they can't easily afford a direct replacement for their existing mower. Imagine doing that with a Krone Big M?

and having to repair that when the payments still have to be made. Trouble being too with contract work is that everything is flat out on unfamiliar ground, ie you don't see raised manholes, forgotten water tank stand pipes and concrete stands, or tree roots until it's too late to stop.

      Sooner you than me............ :(::)

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it was on contract work  :'( its a trailed taarup but we only got 2 mowers running (now one  :D)  it was on a rough bit that hasnt been cut by us before  :-\ at the min its on our insurance, we were thinking about buying a new mower at the start of this year but with this weather it was pointless  :-\

there is a contractor that does next doors silage and he had a big m on demo and it was parked up more than cutting , it kept breaking down  :-\ so he just used his tm175 and left it in next doors yard until the dealer picked it up  :D :D

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Being told my company has stopped trading.....now have no job  >:(

Anybody know if any kitchen designer jobs are going around Gloucester/Worcester?

Commiseriations Barry, building trade is going through a real bad patch.  Join the club though, it happened to me a year ago.........enjoy your visits to the Job Centre.

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Being told my company has stopped trading.....now have no job  >:(

Anybody know if any kitchen designer jobs are going around Gloucester/Worcester?

I hope I didn't do you out of a job by doing Leverets mess room myself? :-[

How long have you got mate, or is that it - finito?

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Know what you mean, but some of 'em are a bit skinny, some have attitude problems, some have Psycho ex boyfriends and drug problems........can't imagine Tracie would be too happy with that.  ;D

When I hit the 'no going back now, this is it' button I did get an idea of who may twist that. . . And you were at the top of the list!! :D :D ;)

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The weather - surprise surprise :D :D

None of our malting barley passing for malt so all had to go for feed :( :(

Boy racers on our road - how one didn't get killed by our friend's combine I still don't understand :(

Motorists who when they see you with a combine head driving in the middle of the road, flashing beacons, warning lights and flashing them several times still don't slow down >:( >:(

Oh and Marky I hope you got a picture of that Laverda for us :D

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Just had to get rid of 2 kids sat on the bonnet of my car , heard voices out side so had a look , no signs of scratches but got told to f o for my asking , why do kids have no respect for people or possesion now a days  >:(

Mostly cos the little bu**ers roaming the streets have only one parent, few have fathers who are good role models, some have mothers who have no control over them, and the kids / adolescents / juvenile delinquents have few posessions, have destroyed most of what they had and been given more, and seem to think that they shouldn't have to respect the property of others. As they would say.."We were only sitting on it". They are too stupid or thick to realize that it could permanently dent a bonnet and that it would cost a fortune to repair a car you've worked your butt off to buy.  ???>:(:(
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I am really annoyed today as i'm at uni but my classes are all really far apart!  >:( >:(

had a class from 11 - 12 noon and my next class is from 3 - 5 pm!  then i'll have to drive through rush hour traffic to get home so it will probably take me around an hour and a half to get home!

to top it all off i've got a stinking cold - if i was a man it would definitely be classed as man flu!  ;D

Hopefully toyboy will have made the tea by the time i get home though - give me one less thing to complain about!  ;)

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