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What really annoyed you today

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Hey hamster what the hell you been running of your supply been leaving 110v tranny's on 24hrs a day or something  :o :o :o :o

work rang today, didnt ask how i was, just would i be in tommorrow  as i was ment to be on a half day course, so they can cancle it and get the dosh back >:( >:( no you feeling ok ect, after 20 years and 2 times sick you would have thought a how are you mate would start the convo off

Pull yourself together Sean you sound like a old women  :D :D :D
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had to stay in for lunchtime for not paying attention in science  >:( wasn't my fault the claas was carting stone back and forth was it  ::) and how can you blame me for looking at it  ;)  :D :D but Christ she was pumping out some black smoke  :)

that happen to my mate as my school has 3 kubotas 2 08 plates unfair i think
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Not hearing anyabout my order for a battery for my laptop which was ordered as a special around 3 weeks ago to be collected but no notification so I contacted them.  I discovered the order was cancelled because I failed to collect it in time.  They sent a message to a mobile phone (I had not given them a mobile number) to advise it was ready 2 weeks ago.  I did get apologies and the battery is in Reading. As I cannot collect it they are delivering it FOC by way of recompense. 

The mobile number?  My son's!  They looked on their records, found a Leake and assumed it was me.  We both have done business with them in the past

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Not today but yesterday my Golf........ >:(

Was driving along and thought it felt a bit juddery so looked at the dashboard and here's a wee orange light flashing at me........Tells me that there's a problem with the exhaust system, going in for it's MOT on Friday so no doubt it'll fail on emissions before they fix the problem knowing Arnold Clark........ >:(

Hopefully it'll be back for the drive back to Aberdeen on Sunday night - but it did take them 6 hours to do a service on it when there was actually nothing major wrong........ >:( >:(

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what annoyed me today was that i decied to go on my bike the chain was abit loose so i just left it because i didnt have the right size spanner so i whent off and was going on a really rocky track and the chain jumped off the cog and i whent flying off and my arm took the grunt of it so now its all grazed pretty badly >:( so i learnt my lesson  >:( >:(::) :'( :-X

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Not today but yesterday my Golf........ >:(

Was driving along and thought it felt a bit juddery so looked at the dashboard and here's a wee orange light flashing at me........Tells me that there's a problem with the exhaust system, going in for it's MOT on Friday so no doubt it'll fail on emissions before they fix the problem knowing Arnold Clark........ >:(

Hopefully it'll be back for the drive back to Aberdeen on Sunday night - but it did take them 6 hours to do a service on it when there was actually nothing major wrong........ >:( >:(

could be the CAT Mart, i think that cause the car to 'judder' at times i've heard?

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Not today but yesterday my Golf........ >:(

Was driving along and thought it felt a bit juddery so looked at the dashboard and here's a wee orange light flashing at me........Tells me that there's a problem with the exhaust system, going in for it's MOT on Friday so no doubt it'll fail on emissions before they fix the problem knowing Arnold Clark........ >:(

Hopefully it'll be back for the drive back to Aberdeen on Sunday night - but it did take them 6 hours to do a service on it when there was actually nothing major wrong........ >:( >:(

will hazzard a guess at an airflow sensor mart, know several people who had similar lights up on the dash, and 90% were those faulty, not all v dubs but at least one was, bro's vaxhaul took ages to find when his did it, but was a pretty cheapish part when they did get it, causes the mixtures to screw up when running causing the jumps

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wil hazzard a guess at an airflow sensor mart, know several people who had simialr lights up on the dash, and 90% were those faulty, not all v dubs but at least one was, bro's vaxhaul took agaes to find when his did it, but was a pretty cheapish part when they did get it, causes the mixtures to screw up when running causing the jumps

Sounds like it. Theyre easily replaced and cheap aswell.

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bl**dy Vista machine.

Microsoft update this morning restarted the machine and it then would not boot but gave me a BSOD (Black screen of death).  I have been trying and trying and trying to reboot with it hanging every time even after it performed a system restore (second time in 10 days and back to the same setup.)  Even then it failed to reboot the first time but let me on a second attempt.  I HATE Vista.

Now ensuring all my necessary data is placed on my trusty XP laptop (again) or printed out

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bl**dy Vista machine.

Microsoft update this morning restarted the machine and it then would not boot but gave me a BSOD (Black screen of death).  I have been trying and trying and trying to reboot with it hanging every time even after it performed a system restore (second time in 10 days and back to the same setup.)  Even then it failed to reboot the first time but let me on a second attempt.  I HATE Vista.

Now ensuring all my necessary data is placed on my trusty XP laptop (again) or printed out

It's why I got three thumb drives Sue :D :D :D :D :D

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thats why i wont put vista on my machine sue, wont have any choice when we buy another, but for now xp pro works just fine

Microsoft are allowing sales of XP to continue and I understand they are going to REPLACE Vista with another new operating system.  Unfortunately I did not have a choice as I test programs and had to have vista to test on.  It is a complete pain :o :'(

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well Mart, my car failed the MOT, needs a new tie rod thing for the steering.....and they only just found out the annoying noise after 5 attempts!.....anti roll bar bushes! >:( >:(>:( >:(..........bloody garages! >:( >:(>:(

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The way one friend has treated another. The friend was treated badly by a bloke and then her 'supposed' best mate has then (after a give the friend a long lecture about how awful it was and what a scumbag he was etc and how friends were more important) started going out with him herself. I can't believe that people have such little integrity.

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