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went over on my ankle today, stupid lad i work with is a pain for putting stuff in a bin ,got out of the van and stood on a big chunck of cable he left right by the steps , over i went, lots of swearing at him, few names to, he thought it was funny >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(, bloody sore right now, sat with it up not bruised yet but i think it will be, having difficulty walking on it at the min ,lets just say a certain person is getting all the s**** ends from now on, and wont be working with me for much longer if i can help it after last weeks problems to, bloody youngsters no common sence at all

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Dad does not really have much work on, so i thought i would go and see if i could get a job on the local farms just over the summer and when i am on study leave. Asked 3 local ones and not one is looking anyone to help milking or silage time :'( but they all said that they will let me know if they or anyone is looking help :-\ with a bit of luck i will hopefully be working by the summer.

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The stupid nurse at the dentist office, said, ohh deaf huh bet your glad you can see huh...watch a lot tv????  Dozy of witch.....reminds me of the story of the parents who told johnny "we are going to go see the cousins and their new baby....the new baby has no ears and you better not say anything in front of the new parents or you will get a licking when you get home.....so off they go and when they get there everyone is standing around taking turns saying nice things like, "oh what a beautiful baby", "ahhhh he's so cute" and Johnny asked, "Can he see good"?  The new mother said, "he has perfect eyesight",  Johnny replied, " Thats good he'd be sh$t out of luck if he needed glasses" :D :D

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Just ran out of metallic red paint for the Scania. . ..  with only two grill bars to paint!  >:(

Come on, Tris, use your head; paint them aluminium, or black or a different shade of red - it has just had a repair job done!

Now I suppose you want it showroom condition? 

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I can't find the sun visor for my Topline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

Naah boy........... you don't want one o' them sissy toplines with all that sleeping space and cetri..manal 'eatin stuff..................... you need a Millie with a crane........... cold, noisy, heavy to drive, a seat where the springs make yer ar*e go numb, no power steerin' and a steerin' wobble that'll make ya look like a jelly drivin' it......... crappy brakes and steps that don't fold out. If you get used  to Topline steps folding out, you'll be in for a shock drivin' a Millie............ step out the door..............whoops no step. Flat on yer face, an' wiv that bluddy silly 'at of yours you'll look like Deputy Dawg doing a leap off a cliff.

Naah...... take it from me........... get rid of that sqishy squashy sissy wagon an get a real truck.

If 'er indoors gets the ar*e about it................ get rid of 'er too. Bu**er boy theres plenty more totty out there. Oh an' ya wont pull with that 'at on, so you best get rid of that too. The only ones that might find that 'at exciting is some o' those "delicate" men called Julian that might want to 'old on to the flaps to get a bit more thrust............. if ya catch my drift.......... ;):D :D

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You are, without a shadow of a doubt a nutter!!  :D :D :D

You can't get a Millie in 32nd though can you?  :-\

Hi Tris............ spect someone makes a Millie kit. You don't see many classic military vehicle kits, mostly tanks and planes.  :(

Didn't know you could get one of them Scaaanias (I'm just saying it like that to be annoying) in 32. I thought they were all either 35th or 25th. Things must be getting better in the model world.

Take care ol' kiddy.......... an' don't stick yer fingers together.  ;):D

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