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What really annoyed you today

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a group of 7 cycilists riding 2 abreast on the main road up in to newtownards from portaferry which is very twisty and few overtaking spaces and me stuck behind them n tractor and powerharrow,they started to wave me on at the last corner as they could see up the road and i gave the massey the throttle,they were doin the same speed as me and wudnt slow down or pull in and then they started tellin me to give her more when she was flat out,got by them whilst giving them a torrent of abuse and they come right up behind power harrow so on go the 6480 brakes SHARP then 3 of them overtake me on the inside of the tractor.

they were wearing coats that said a c c on them which likely stands for ards cycle club,personally i think it stands for aholes cant cycle

if anyones down in newtownards country and sees them feel free to drive over them and then reverse just to make sure you got them.  :o

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Loaded a Merlo roto on my trailer and while getting out of the cab slipped and fell to the ground(about 5 feet) :o :o

I landed on rough concrete on my right foot with my foot at right angles to my leg :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I did this in Sittingbourne in Kent and after somehow after chaining down the load drove back to the yard :'( :'( :'(

My boss phoned when i wasn't back in the yard by 18.30 and after Itold hom what had happened he proceded to tell me what i'm doing tomorrow :D :D :D>:( >:(>:( >:(

Starting to feel a little less painfull now this bruising's coming out ::) ::)::)


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Starting to feel a little less painfull now this bruising's coming out ::) ::)::)

Nasty Paul, that will keep re-occuring now mate if you aren't carefull...... Make sure you get some decent boots with plenty of ankle support for work now as that ankle joint will be a lot weaker than it was before.  ;)

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Nasty Paul, that will keep re-occuring now mate if you aren't carefull...... Make sure you get some decent boots with plenty of ankle support for work now as that ankle joint will be a lot weaker than it was before.  ;)

Yes Jason the old tan riggers may have been comfy but not supportive :( :( :( :(

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tell you what paul try using a aerobics rubber belt mate, they slip under the foot and you pull the ends up tight arround your anckle, then bend / flex your ankle against it, it worked a treat when my other halfs daughter did hers like that playing netball, was recomended by the psyhio, cost her 5 quid form a spots shop

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Lots of things >:(

My mother inviting herself over tomorrow afternoon - she doesn't 'get' the fact that working from home doesn't mean I'm available all hours >:(

My hubby's family inviting themselves for the weekend  >:(

The stonking headache I have tonight, which joined me halfway through the movie at the cinema  >:(

.... apart from that... everything's fine >:(

PS... can anyone put me up for a few days ???;D

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The artic tipper lorry trying to overtake a cyclist on a narrow bridge and forcing me to brake hard and stop! The cyclist didn't look too happy either. What really annoyed me was the torrent of abuse i received as he drove past when i raised my hand in suprise/ annoyance. A phone call to the company (Lafarge Aggregates) should sort that idiot out!!! As i said on the phone we all make bad judgements when driving sometimes but it was his attitude that got me >:( >:(

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