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What annoyed me... Bloody Paypal... brace yourselves for a long and boring story..

I go to pay for something on ebay I won as usual.. somethinbg I've done through paypal around 600 plus times... and it says... 'can't process you payment as you have a negative balance'

Ummm... thinks I... so I looks... acording to paypal.. I'm a whole 2p overdrawn - don't ask how or why... Now as they usually take money from my card each time... how can this happen ??? I run a zero balance and link my account directly to my debit card  :-\

Anyway.. I think.. no problem.. I'll transfer 2p from my bank account manually... clever hey  ;)

Nope... it then tells me it will take 4-6 working days to show on my account... so I still can't use my paypal.. all for 2 bloody flipping rudey wording pence..

I know... I'll ring them and vent my anger on some poor girl on the other end of the phone... that will make me feel better... so I ring up... press 1 if you have a big nose... thank you... now press 3 if you have one ear bigger than the other.. etc.... I eventually get through the electronic maze to be told... 'thank you for calling paypal fat bloke... you are in a queue.. the next operator will be available in... pause.... 18 minutes' - sod that.. I'm not that angry... yet..

then... BRAINWAVE  :o - i ring my mate Terry... tell him all about it and beg him to send me 10p - Ha... that will shove em  >:(

So... after lots of emails.. containing sworn affidavids stating my intention to pay and my full compliance to Terrys terms and conditions and subsequent penatly clause agreement for late payment... The deed is done...

I wait patiently... feeling a little smug with myself... looking forward to 'stuffing them creeps' who tried so hard to wind me up with my 2p overdraft... then.. it's in.. it's only bloody there.. in my account.. payment received 'instantly' from mr Terry Tightwad...  ;D

Cash in... 10p.... yeeeeeees you beauty... get in....

hang on.. whats's this... charge.... 10p - new balance... ?0.02p-  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

I had to go back to Terry and get him to send me a fiver  >:( >:( - I'm just putting the house deeds on the fax as we speak  :'( :'( :'(

In summary...

Paypal... this is for you..

Pwwwttthhhhhhh  :P :P :P

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So Lord of the manor knows how the real world lives then  :D :D

i thought paypal just pay for it out of your bank account job done if you haven't sold anything  :-\ :-\ :-\

>:( - and what exactly is that meant to mean Mr McDonald  ???

I thought they would just take it as well  :-\

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So Lord of the manor knows how the real world lives then  :D :D

i thought paypal just pay for it out of your bank account job done if you haven't sold anything  :-\ :-\ :-\

no he is still Estate Manager ;) ;) :D :D ::)

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Bummer! What was that all about then?!

electronic goods put up in the for sale and wanted area by vidic (not sure if its the Man U centre back :D :D :D::))! >:( >:(

the fact there US related doesnt help!, Ipods, Xboxs, PS3's, mobiles

dont think they realise this is a farm toys forum! :D :D :D

a complete spamming post!

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electronic goods put up in the for sale and wanted area by vidic (not sure if its the Man U centre back :D :D :D::))! >:( >:(

the fact there US related doesnt help!, Ipods, Xboxs, PS3's, mobiles

dont think they realise this is a farm toys forum! :D :D :D

a complete spamming post!

Ah that stuff bugs the hell out of me. I keep getting friend requests on Myspace from porn stars, really yanks my chain, and not in a good way!  >:(:D Surely no one actually buys any of this crap, so why do the bother?!  ???>:(

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Trying to open a dispute against a seller for non-receipt of items via Paypal and because it's outside the 45 days I've lost ?50 (it was a US seller and I was giving him the benefit of the doubt) >:(
Put a warning up Mandy with the details of the seller. (Can she do that Iron Fist?! ;()
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Put a warning up Mandy with the details of the seller. (Can she do that Iron Fist?! ;()

The good news is he's agreed just to resend the order as an act of 'good faith'. So whatever his reasons (and if he did indeed send it in the first place) I am reserving judgment.  I cannot shame someone publicly of course, but would like people to be aware of the 45 day rule with Paypal.

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The good news is he's agreed just to resend the order as an act of 'good faith'. So whatever his reasons (and if he did indeed send it in the first place) I am reserving judgment.  I cannot shame someone publicly of course, but would like people to be aware of the 45 day rule with Paypal.

think i have been had the same way mandy, prob i have is the sellers now no longer regestered on ebay i paid by paypal so i should get it back, but thats a long way off so there e-mail said

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