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My college it is just a joke now really is I didnt want to go back in first place but was persuaded as were promised our Quadbike and chainsaw tickets and numerous others in our first year but these arn't gonna happen now as college no longer has funding having been taken over.  We still havn't got all our lecturers so is hard to do assignments and then also did half our welding quilification in first year of an aset course but we have now gone back and they have changed the course they do so we lost that whole first year of the two year course.  Which now means we got to do a 2 year city and guilds welding course in a year and we are currently on our 3rd welding lecturer already >:( >:( and have been told if we don't pass welding we fail the course and all our welding tutors have said high cahnce 90% of us will fail it.  So my parents and myself are struggling big time to put me through college only for it in essence to be a waste of time  >:(

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Chuffing water leak. Was just finishing up grouting the slate floor and heard the sound of water, couldn't work out where it was until it started dripping next to me. Started swearing about my crap plumber because I thought it was a compression fitting leaking again. Took the padsaw to the boxing across the kitchen ceiling and found it wasn't a live pipe but an overflow which has been dead - or so we thought - for years. So now got a hole in my boxing and a cut off overflow pipe, miles away from an outside wall, that I've somehow got to connect to waste or something. I can't work out what it relieves either. I have a horrid feeling it could be something to do with next door because our header tanks were no where near full and I couldn't hear any water flowing anywhere. Any plumbers on here got any suggestions  ??? Think I'll just put a stop end on it and then ask at the pub if next door complains about a leak in his house!!  :D :D It was all going so well today too!  >:(:D :D

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a piggin police car forcing me off a back road because they was taking up three quarter of the road so they didn't get their wheels dirty in the mud. The resault the front of my van capped in mud and half the road and a phone call to local police reporting them >:( >:(

resulting in your van reg being duely noted and numerous spot checks,,watching for speeding ect from the rest of the force :D :D :D :D :D :D
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