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as some of you know i am a ta (teaching assistant with children with disabilities downs,blind autistic etc)and today i whent horse riding with a young lad who dont like animals when ever we go on trips (which we do every week) to farms and zoo etc as soon as he see's a animal he flops to the floor till you take him back to the bus but to day it was just me and him after 10 minits he got his helmit on and we made our way to the paddock and i was getting a edgey cos i sort of new what he was going to do anyway we got to the paddock and stayed outside the fence so i said to him that we are here for horse riding and he cant site on the floor cos it is very very muddy. when we got inside the paddock i said to him do you want to stroke the horse he said no but after some time he did now this is a very big achievement for a child of his condition so was thinking can i be cheeky and get him on so they got some steps out and up he got i could not beleave my eyes he was up on the hore walking round.i cant beleave i am saying this but i could of cryed.when we got back to school i had the teacher and the head saying what a asset i am.so my day has been the best day for years.sorry for the essay :D :D :D

That's an amazing and heart-warming story Dwain... and thank you so much for sharing it with us :-*

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Fair play to you Dwain, men don't talk like that in general and there is no reason why they don't really. Having become a father fairly recently mate, I don't doubt your new boy is going to have a very encouraging father if this is anything to go by. Good on ya fella.  ;)

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Been out delivering oil, first drop was in Watton, followed by Mildenhall then onto Gamlingay, Biggleswade and Shefford in Bedfordshire before coming back to Thetford, not bad left the yard at 9am and was back at 2.30pm ;D

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Been out delivering oil, first drop was in Watton, followed by Mildenhall then onto Gamlingay, Biggleswade and Shefford in Bedfordshire before coming back to Thetford, not bad left the yard at 9am and was back at 2.30pm ;D

So you would have time for a coffee afterall! :P:-[ :'(

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Nice one Marky of course! But really, whenever you want. ;)

Thanks Wil... I have a lad who works for me who lives in Hocklife (I think I've told you that before... I am an old fart arn't I)... anyway... when I go over to see him I'll let you know buddy... you can show me that lovely plough you have  :P
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Thanks Wil... I have a lad who works for me who lives in Hocklife (I think I've told you that before... I am an old fart arn't I)... anyway... when I go over to see him I'll let you know buddy... you can show me that lovely plough you have  :P

Yeah I did know. Oh and which plough? Still want to get shot of the Fergy........ :P

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Well for me it was a visit to see my Dad. My brothers prepared me for the worst. You can barely even recognise that it is him. He was heavily sedated as he had just had an MRI. He did manage to twitch his index finger when I spoke to him though. They are hoping to do some surgery on Wednesday but they are having to take it day by day. It was really hard to see him laying there  :'( :'( :'(. he's not out of the woods by any means yet, but we are hopeful that he will pull through this.

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Putting my uncle in the ground :'(

Sorry to hear that. Not sure whether burial is any better than cremation.

    When my dad died, he was cremated which I wasn't too happy about. I wanted him buried so we could visit his grave and know that the body of the man we remember was close to us, and his soul may be looking down upon us. (No I'm not a religious crank. I'm C of E)

    I felt a lot better at his cremation service when the Vicar explained that when a person dies and we cremate their bodies; all we are doing is disposing of a body which is no longer required by the soul it belonged to. A really nice way of explaining it.

    I realize that for many religions that cremation is unacceptable, but it is nice to have the choice.

(Being flippant, I suppose burial is more environmentally acceptable these days...........recycling an' all that  ;):D)

    Once again, I'm sorry for your loss, and hope you aren't offended by my comments.  :)

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