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Excellent stuff yet again Stephen ;) saw an artic hauling 3 NHs and a Khun mower yesterday heading up your country, must of been another delivery for you :D :D

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) sure thing garret you dont miss much they got dropped of last night  ;)

thanks sir hopefully see you fri nite.......

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Hi there, The more times I visit your section here the more impressive it becomes. It is totally amazing how you keep adding more to it.  8) Keep up the fantastic job

thanks TS135A DRIVER its takes a lot of thinkin don't know whats happening  to next yet  ;)

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bloomin lorry had to be towed then  :D

oops , the stralis has an auto box , one good tow & thats that knackered then , hope your workshops do commercial work as well  :D :D bet get a volvo or a daf mate  ;)

the layout looks fantastic mate , from start to finish  :) :)

ideas on what to do next ? an equestrian center maybe?

candyfloss sticks  :o :o  blimy mate you got some patience, i thought lolly sticks were bad enough

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Nice work on the trailer FM, she really looks the part.

It's not too hard to lower those high riding trailers...maybe 10 minutes at the most. Mr. Dremel and Mr. Two Part Epoxy will be your best friends ;)

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What a hell of a catch up I have just had Stephen. The yard is a monstrosity of a layout. Fantastic sight to see mate, is it a real life dealership, like will it be your show piece for models you actually have for sale and stuff? As for the artic, she is looking sweet mate. .. . .I can just see her now belting down the M4 on her way to Dover for the Calais ferry. . . .. doing 60mph like you paddies do!!!

Great work mate, great work.  :)

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Nice work on the trailer FM, she really looks the part.

It's not too hard to lower those high riding trailers...maybe 10 minutes at the most. Mr. Dremel and Mr. Two Part Epoxy will be your best friends ;)

thanks Finn a think i,ll leave this trailer maybe lower the next one but thanks  ;)

What a hell of a catch up I have just had Stephen. The yard is a monstrosity of a layout. Fantastic sight to see mate, is it a real life dealership, like will it be your show piece for models you actually have for sale and stuff? As for the artic, she is looking sweet mate. .. . .I can just see her now belting down the M4 on her way to Dover for the Calais ferry. . . .. doing 60mph like you paddies do!!!

Great work mate, great work.  :)

thanks Tris this is my show piece yeah, most if not all of it is for sale  anytime mate cheers... ;)

well sir hows it cutting? these pages of yours are like a soap.. cant wait for the next edition!!!!!

all is good cowboy thanks  ;) have,nt decided what the next chapter is yet............ :)

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