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hello stephen , not really upto date with who's made what , so are the mowers & the roller siku releases?

hi yes thats the lastest stuff from siku mate

looks well stephen could the roller be made to be a watson???

i,m quite sure i,l have a go  :D

i believe they are Marcus :-\ :-\

nice load there FM, like the sign writing too! ;D

thanks Ben not really that true that sign writing but does the job  :D

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hi all just arrived today our new refridgeation unit unsure what name/decal to put up the side of it though  :-\

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How about FarmChill, FarmCool, FridgIt!, FM Chill Chain  ??? A couple of ideas to get the ball rolling. A lot of big companies into this game keep it short and matter of fact nowadays. Better for advertising and easier to remember.

That front mower looks much better than the rear, looks like it will be more suited to the UH one than Siku's own rear mower.

Also liking the sign writing Stephen  :)

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its massey time ..................

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<img src="http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l307/farmermarshall/30072008902.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>

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