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ford 6600's



guys,been wanting to do a bubble cab version of the ford 6600 for a while now, have all the parts ect, but can't see how to get the floorpan to fit the chassis? any help out there

want to try and make a copy of the one that used to be on the farm opposite my nans place with a loader on,as i used to get a lift or too on it if i was going to our other farm a few miles away

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9 answers to this question

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Yes , I use the one piece white metal floorpan which I buy from Brian Norman .

Its a bit of a fiddle but you basically cut out most of the centre section which weakens it a lot.

I then file down the centre of the 6600 casting flat (where the gear levers would be) .

Then you can have the flat floor in the cab .

I usually add a couple of pieces of wire to look like gear levers ,which if you drill them through the floorpan into the 6600 casting underneath ,also help to hold it all in place.

I hope this all makes sense ,its hard to describe how to do it really.

I just bought the bits and had a bash .

As you know though,white metal can be a bit flimsy to work with ,so take care . ;)

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not a bit mate, i love fergys full stop, i just like building stuff what i used anf unfortunatly i had several lifts half way to our other farm on this tractor, as the guy lived in the village, when they laied him of from that farm he came and worked on the familly farm ,

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