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At work with Martin (NH2)


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its scary in a little machine when they start to slide arnt they  ;):D

ive had a little bit of drama involving our mini digger  ;D tracking it up onto the lorry and it tipped of the side ,all that was needed was new pair of boxers  :D

Yeah I got a bit of a shock...... :D

Was more worried about the boss's reaction though......All's well and the digger is fine and I still have a job...... :D :D ;)

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Oh yes Jas......Was quite an experience...... :D :D ;) ;)

Yes, have you got a window on the other side if it went right over? I know I couldn't get through the window of our 803.  :-\

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Yes, have you got a window on the other side if it went right over? I know I couldn't get through the window of our 803.  :-\

The side window and the fron't window should open on that model so he was safe.

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Had a quick glance through to catch up Mart and no doubt I missed a few bits but never the less it looks like your boss is putting a lot of experience your way. It's obvious your lapping it up and being responsible with it as well because it isn't that long since you started there. Doesn't mind leaving you on your tod while he is out of sight across the fields either. Well done Mart, enjoyable viewing and reading as always. How are the twins?  :)

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Is the IW a 16' foot version Mart ???

Nice Sekura cab on the 165 too :)

Not too sure on the Length of the IW mate......Will check this weekend for you...... :);)

Had a quick glance through to catch up Mart and no doubt I missed a few bits but never the less it looks like your boss is putting a lot of experience your way. It's obvious your lapping it up and being responsible with it as well because it isn't that long since you started there. Doesn't mind leaving you on your tod while he is out of sight across the fields either. Well done Mart, enjoyable viewing and reading as always. How are the twins?  :)

Thanks Tris......It's all good experience and I'm really glad he's so obliging at letting me do so much...... :)

The twins are doing fine along with most of the new calves so far this year...... :)

We've lost a couple which is always a blow but it's amazing how quickly they're up and about and they're fair growing up now...... ;)

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Been another busy weekend......Preparations are being made rapidly for getting the cows back out now which will lessen the work-load a fair bit......

I've been digging holes for new strainer posts for fences most of the weekend with my JCB 804......

The boss is hoping to put the first 9 cattle and 1 of the 3 bulls out this week to one of the fields and then we'll quickly get the rest of the fencing sorted......He'll probably concrete the strainers in at some point this week...... :) :) :);)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not been much going on recently......We've been up on "The Hill" getting a few final things sorted for the cattle to go out as soon as possible......New fencing has been put up and a new metal trough installed to replace the old stone one......Also in the process of building a new race at "The Hill" to make loading/unloading of the cattle easier......The boss also wants a new race built in the other main field where we graze the cattle so that will mean more strainer post hole digging with my JCB......

First cut silage shouldn't be too far off......One to three weeks I'd guess......Then we'll be concentrating on getting the rest of the fences around barley fields etc back up to scratch as their quality has been allowed to slip over the last few years......

Last but not least I'd say we've got between 10 and 20 silage bales left so we've made it though the over-Wintering period just and no more...... :o

:) :) ;)

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Been busy today alright......

Fed the dwindling numbers of cows that are left inside and then went off up the track to the other farm with the Massey 3095 to load up the Massey 700 Flat-Bed with a Load of straw to be brought home to be used for bedding for the last week or so we'll need it......

Then headed off up to one of the grazing fields with the JCB 804 and dug out another  :o strainer hole and removed some of the old fencing wire to make room for a new gate to be installed......

Loaded up the Hudson Trailers Live-Stock float with two loads of cattle for the boss to take up to the main grazing are at "The Hill"......

By the end of next week all cattle will have to be out as we'll be out of silage...... :o




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