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Deere-est Does New Zealand!!! **UPDATE p13**


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Many thanks lads. Yeah it was a fluke to catch the last hours chopping. They have an outstanding fleet, the 'parking' sign on the blade was for the open day which they had a week or two agao. I went down the night before but t'was dark so no pics. Saw it all there though, everything barr a 926 with triple mowers I think. The place looked like a damn dealership I can tell you. Twenty odd Deere tractors, two combines, three choppers, humungus sprayer, little sprayer, silage trucks, trailers, rakes, mowers, ploughs, wrappers, with manufacturers to include Simba, Kverneland, Dowdeswell, McHale, Taarup, Claas, erm. .. .. and lots more  :D

Marcus, not sure of the regular drive Dicky has, may have been geared up for a particular job. Did you like the Foden a page or two back?  ;)

Just over a week to go now and not much more money to come my way. Still chasing the receivers for back-pay but it is looking worse and worse with such little time to get it back. Did have a long weekend in Rotorua though, almost exclusively thanks to the in-laws pocket. Damn fine pair they are. Did us two the world of good to get away and actually have some fun. They fly out tomorrow which will be a bit tough for Traci. I'll be working, hopefully anyway. .... the days I have got up at 5am, travelled for near on 1.5hrs and then sat around whatching the others smoke rollies and drink coffee out number the productive days we have had. Unsurprisingly this gets Scot and I a little bit irate  >:(

Anyway, nearly got the Peat pics in order now so when I get an hour, they'll be up.  :)

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Interesting rebadged Renault Kerax here  :)

A mate of mine runs a "Renault Magnum" badged as a "Mack" Tris, he knows his magnums inside out so I'll ask if there is any material difference in them or if it is just in the badge.

Nice to see a Foden out there too!

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A mate of mine runs a "Renault Magnum" badged as a "Mack" Tris, he knows his magnums inside out so I'll ask if there is any material difference in them or if it is just in the badge.

Nice to see a Foden out there too!

my uncle has one,  i think thats all that is differant is the mack engine no extra toys etc  :-\


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A mate of mine runs a "Renault Magnum" badged as a "Mack" Tris, he knows his magnums inside out so I'll ask if there is any material difference in them or if it is just in the badge.

Nice to see a Foden out there too!

Cheers mate, be interesting to find out. This'll be the guy in Truck and Driver mag will it? The Scanny blokes dad?

I think there may be a chassis similarity hence the forward hung front axle unlike any other cabover seen on our roads. The Premium/Kerax/Midlum range share more in line with Volvo nowadays.

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the difference in the mack & the renault as far as i know is the mack engine is fitted ,

nice pic rich , AGC had a whole fleet of 8 magnum artics & 4 merc rigids , used to see them regularly run out of their depot at cullompton , till gregory distribution took them over , the drivers that stayed were relegated to DAF 85 CF's , & the ones who didn't want to work for gregorys went to drive for greendale , which was later taken over by gregorys  :-\ :D :D

VOLVO  now have a controlling interest in  RENAULT trucks , as i saw a renault 7.5 tonner badged as a volvo

thanks for the pics tris that little foden looked very smart , but they sell well as like DAF it's all part of the pacar group  ;)

i dare say you see a lot more 8leggers & drags as well , just like the old 1950's/60's brs wagons

oh yeah tris delivered to stroud hill farm today  could have thrown a stone into pottern park farm from where i was  ;)

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Stroud Hill Marcus, Mr Straker?!! He is on Straker estate agencey fame and loaded to the hilt. Used to buy straw of us whe I was at the farm. Never really spoke to him much though. Your bound to get a load to Pottern Park sooner or later at!! I think Volvo have the majority shareholder stake in Renault mate, it's all their driveline and chassis now I'm pretty sure. Bound to make the new Premium a bit more appealing. T Barry and Sons have three of them I think, based near Cirencester. They run along an FH500 and an R580 I think and yet the little Renaults can't get praised enough by both owner and driver.

Foden have long had a good name over here, still see a lot of the older models about on cattle, logs etc. Daf have a name here too thanks ultimately to Paccar obviously but I reckon Foden have got the name in through the similaritys between the Fodens of today and the Daf CF85 range. Interesting stuff really.  :)

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Alright dicky me old mate  :)

Well lads, no time for posting the Peat pics. ... . Firing Squad for Deere-est  :o :o :o :o :-[:-[ :-[:-[

We're off.  :(

Rain at the weekend has totally flooded the peat farm, 3ft deep land drains like the Somerset Levels are overflowing, the lands are saturated and the chance of any work at all up there within the next two weeks (at least) is ruined. We were due to leave on Saturday/Sunday anyway but with such little money earned, a run of bad luck from the start and rent to cough we have chosen to bail out now and head south. First stop Taupo for a bunjee jump we hope  8) the on south to a few other places but everything hangs on the wallet  :( and how long it lasts us bearing in mind the other legs of the journey, Sydney and Dubai.

Basically it ain't gravy. Hell of an experience though and we have pulled through the other side and thats the main thing. Will keep you all updated and if we have internet access anywhere which I can use my laptop I will try my best to post the pics but if I can't, it will be when I get home  :-\

Cheers lads  ;)

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Cheers lads, yep either way it has been a helluva trip and we hope to come back again and do the good old camper van tour in a few years time or something. So much we havn't seen that we wanted too, especially on the south island.

Still sorting through my photo's to get a decent album together. Will post them here via Photobucket I reckon. Sod resizing them all!! If there are too many then I will just put a link up for you all to go and view them in Photobucket to save server space here.

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