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The daily dog walking expedition .....


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Nice pics again mate......Love that wee 4610...... :)

Interesting way of loading tatties too......Looks to me like the seed tatties are being loaded into the small hopper on the planter and then dropped into the ground......Never knew they did tatties in bulk bags as well as boxes...... :)

I would definitely ask mate......No harm in doing so......There's always something to do around the farm yard even if it is tidying up etc...... :);)

Cheers Mart and she is a little beast i do have to admit i've changed my views on the blues and snubbed out the chance to see a 6920S to see her.

Well i wouldn't know myself but the tatties are in the hopper and they drop down into two smaller compartments ( each side ). Then a wheel with arms to pick up individual seeds are picked up and dropped into the ground. The wheel that picks them up is powered by the outside wheel.

And yeah i should think so they have a huge pond with loads of nature trails, a farm shop, the farm itself and the yard and everything, the marine centre etc. So im hoping he can find me something, but they do do tractor driving lessons up there in a brand new Valtra for 50 for an hour  :-\ :-\ Might do one if i can't get a job helping out on the farm side.

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Well as promised got my ride in Valtra with de-stoner, excellent experience for me loved every minute of it. Very dusty my school shirt is now actually brown but who cares. We did 6 rows in about 2 hours  :-\ And the de-stoner faced a few problems on the way with the amount of flint none the less a great trip.

Asked about a job, well asked if the farm employed any/many teenagers giving him subtle hints but he said that it would be very awkward for them even odd jobs so not this time but still got some tractor riding and a new farmer friend  ;) Would of been nice for a job but im happy  ;)

A few pics for you i've got a video loading on youtube later  ;)



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More great pictures, No JD's in sight either ;D;) The Valtra's are nice tractors to go in aren't they Nick. The first modern tractor I drove was a Valmet 8*00, very nice and quite a step up from 10 series Fords :)

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More great pictures, No JD's in sight either ;D;) The Valtra's are nice tractors to go in aren't they Nick. The first modern tractor I drove was a Valmet 8*00, very nice and quite a step up from 10 series Fords :)

Nah mate i am kind of being turned Finish at the moment needed a break from green a bit fed up with the 6920's and 6820's i see every day. And i agree they seem to be a very very nice tractor to work away the hours in, i didn't feel uncomfortable alot of gadgets and widgets in there. The driver was happy with it and installed a PA system in there that they hook to their bale trailer in the farm shop when they do tours and stuff. Yup Valtras have definetly impressed me  :)

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Nah mate i am kind of being turned Finish at the moment needed a break from green a bit fed up with the 6920's and 6820's i see every day. And i agree they seem to be a very very nice tractor to work away the hours in, i didn't feel uncomfortable alot of gadgets and widgets in there. The driver was happy with it and installed a PA system in there that they hook to their bale trailer in the farm shop when they do tours and stuff. Yup Valtras have definetly impressed me  :)

Wait until you get to go in one of the newer range of Valtras, especially the T series. I think the gadgets, knobs and switches have been breeding ::);D:D :D

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Nice pics there again mate......Lovely evening for it too by the looks of things...... :)

Hard Lines with the job side of things but at least now you've planted the idea in his head...... :)

Slow job de-stoning eh......When I was waiting for the pics of those lads at me yesterday it took ages for them to get up and down the dreels as the field is quite a Length...... :D;)

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Nice pics there again mate......Lovely evening for it too by the looks of things...... :)

Hard Lines with the job side of things but at least now you've planted the idea in his head...... :)

Slow job de-stoning eh......When I was waiting for the pics of those lads at me yesterday it took ages for them to get up and down the dreels as the field is quite a Length...... :D;)

Thanks Mart it was indeed another amazing evening for it, felt really good would of been good for a perfect summer tune on that would of topped the evening perfectly  :D

Yeah he said if i put down my name and number he would see what he can do which is a good step, he said what line of work are you looking for and i just said anything basically preferably on the farm but anything  :)

And i got there when he reached the other end and it took him a good 15 to 20 mins to get back down, and the field isn't huge. But the de-stoner kept getting jammed because of the amount of flint  :-\

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I think they've finished with that tattie field unfortunaetly but i came across some more kit today that may be tatties but i have no idea  :-\ Bit of an unusual day today down here in Kent, a bit wet and very cloudy yet very warm still. Anyway found some more green and a few other bits  :)



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Good pics again mate......The John Deere Looks like perhaps a 6320 or 6420...... :)

The implement on the other hand I'm not 100% sure about...... :o

If it was making the beds it certainly would be a bed-former and it looks to have some sort of rotor blades fitted too...... :)

I'd keep my eyes peeled on that field mate as it may well not be tatties getting put in there, perhaps carrots or parsnips if they're done round your way......If not then it may well just be a different way of constructing the tattie beds I'm not used to...... ;)

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Just caught up on this Topic Nick and it is a hell of a lot to look thhrough. you have taken some fantastic photos mate and it was nice of the guys to let you have a ride round with them in their machines. Keep the interest up and make yourself known, you never know where you may end up one day.  ;)

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Good pics again mate......The John Deere Looks like perhaps a 6320 or 6420...... :)

The implement on the other hand I'm not 100% sure about...... :o

If it was making the beds it certainly would be a bed-former and it looks to have some sort of rotor blades fitted too...... :)

I'd keep my eyes peeled on that field mate as it may well not be tatties getting put in there, perhaps carrots or parsnips if they're done round your way......If not then it may well just be a different way of constructing the tattie beds I'm not used to...... ;)

Mart is it not just a bed tiller/rotavator thing??

similar to on here


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