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Ever wanted real lifs steering????

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Just got to paint the repro cab,add a Siku linkage and paint and decal up,The tractor can have OPU or SG2 cab and badged as 3040,3140 or 3050.Should sell well I think also looks good 4WD using Joal front axle and wheels and Britains wheels on rear.

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yes old ford its da SG" cab (iv had many a hours work in a 2850 with passenger seat at the left of me ,i liked them )also as were on the subject the OPU cab would look good on a  Dave Purdue ford 5610 like the similar AP cab ford had(sorry if i have spelt his name wrong )

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Yes OLD FORD that's a SG2 cab on your 3350,885XL I think the cabs are about a tenner from Henri Walker in holland I can't find the invoice at the moment to check,I have a scrap 3140 do you want me to get a price to cast a floor pan or do you want the scapper to sort it out yourself

Cheers Paul

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry not to get back on this topic,i've been so busy working for Spalding.I will get those prices together in the next week or two.Just thought you'd like to see the finished JD,I know we're JD'd out but this is a ture classic :) :) :) :) :) :)

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congrats as you see the cab can be aplied to a number of tractors jd, IH 784DB 1412, ive even seen them on a french massey 240

im glad you are going to spalding ill have a chat to you there and maybee take some pics if its ok with you ,just for the forum  :)

see u at about 11:30 /12noon

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