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lanes, hedges and gates



i need a bit of help here on my feild display theres a bit of a lane running up one side and i would like to make it more realistic and put a better hedge in as well what matterials would i need to do this and how would i do it. then im also putting up one of those photo backrounds on the other sides of the field dispaly and would like to put a ditch in on the edge of the table  ??? ??? any help would be appreciated

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A stone lane, as in the stone to be driven on or walls? I am planning a little something for when I build my contracting business up and not too sure about letting out the planned secret materials?

Ok, I was going to try felt roof material, it looks like lots of small stones and was going to be my track up the farm.

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Cj you can get bags of secinic materials from the woodland scenics range. It's about 6 quid a bag. I use twigs covered in secinic materials to make hedges. As for a lane you can use PVA glue as a base and sprinkle sand on it. You can make very realistic looking trees and hedges very cheaply.

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i made this hedge by getting the green flock stuff from woodland scenic  just paint glue all over  a strip of mdf and stick the flock to it

the road is railway balast from woodland scenic just sprinckle it down then spray on scenic cemnet and water like it says on the bottle

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i made this hedge by getting the green flock stuff from woodland scenic  just paint glue all over  a strip of mdf and stick the flock to it

the road is railway balast from woodland scenic just sprinckle it down then spray on scenic cemnet and water like it says on the bottle

very good!!...Does the cement/glue actually stick it, some scenic stuff i had lext it tacky so it can be removed etc.

also, what have you used for the wire ??? ???

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very good!!...Does the cement/glue actually stick it, some scenic stuff i had lext it tacky so it can be removed etc.

also, what have you used for the wire ??? ???

that wire i gave you should be ok for that ben ;) ;) can get thinner if you need,or you can in any exchange mate ;)

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haha the barbwire is actually storm window screen cut into a very thin strip

really its little squares i think its made from nylon or somthing kind of like  what OLD ford made his chicken fence from just cut into single strands  kind of looks like barb wire with all the barbs on but may be too many

but hey works for me

my  scenic glue has sert pretty well but the material does still stick to tires after its been siting on the layout for months

hope this helps Nick

ps if you need some of the storm window stuff i can easily send some to ya mate

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