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mystery machine


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never seen one of them before!, well i dont see much silage work my way and what i have seen has been just the normal wrappers :) :).......i thought it was a mobile Stargate at first glance ::)

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I've only ever seen one of them before and that was over 10 years ago. There is a big downside to them in that all the bales have to be wrapped in the same place and in one line, when it comes to taking the bales bac to the yard you have no choice than to leave them unwrapped and open to the elements :-\

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Still used quite a lot up here, especially for a single layer of wrap on round straw bales for bedding/burning stored outside.

Looks like that one is for rectangular bales by the name.....

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Yes you are right it is a tubeline wrapper  :)  Slightly smaller version of the old Grays tubelining machine of a few years ago. They lost favour due to the amount of space needed to store the bales.  :(  But they did use about 35 to 40% less film as they were not wrapped on the ends, just round the outsides. You used a single wrapped bale or a bagged bale to seal either end of row  :)  Can still be found wrapping straw for ammonia injection or just for weather proofing bales stored outside. The engine drives a self contained power pack to run the machines hydraulics they move the hoop round and push the bales through the machine. Saves overheated tractor hydraulics and burnt out pumps  ;)

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I never cast eyes on one until I was in Datmans area of NZ and they seem to be very popular. There are a lot of tubes along fencelines of feilds. Farmers there don't cart the bales back until they are needed most of the time. Drylands had one but I never saw it in use.

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