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Few pictures from round the farms *Updated on - 10/03/13*


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..... and that ladies and gentleman is why I love my job!  :)

Does look pretty good to be honest , sorta thing i have always wanted to do drive wagons but also do some farm work  :P  nice to have abit off variety  :)

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Thanks guys, yes the variety is brilliant. As of this week I will be on standby for maize harvest and when I get the nod be piloting the TM155 on the pit again now that the front linkage has been repaired and the buckrake strengthened. Also due to start at the firewood yard again from the end of this week whenever I am not on maize and then for the majority of the winter months through to March.  :) :)

Yes the Angus is a smashing looking beast, bloody moans though!! Easy to work with he is though, goes where you want him too and doesn't cause any fuss.

Yesterday I had a trip out to a feed mill to pick up some calf nuts. There was a 6180 on a P plate in the yard with 9000hrs on the clock so I chose that to go with. Had a funny readout on the computer though, not sure what it mean't but it wasn't very flattering for the old girl!!  :laugh: :laugh:



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That's just it Blake, it is difficult enough being in farming when someone says "What do you do for a living" but on top of that there is still more! It has been nice to be getting to work with livestock again properly too, tomorrow we are ultra sounding the cattle.

One thing I do miss still is groundwork, drilling especially. Havn't done any for a main few years now since I used to do it all on a 500ac arable farm between '98 and '01.  :(

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That's just it Blake, it is difficult enough being in farming when someone says "What do you do for a living" but on top of that there is still more! It has been nice to be getting to work with livestock again properly too, tomorrow we are ultra sounding the cattle.

One thing I do miss still is groundwork, drilling especially. Havn't done any for a main few years now since I used to do it all on a 500ac arable farm between '98 and '01.  :(

what gear were you using when you were drilling tris?
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  • 4 weeks later...

More updates!

Starting with a few more photo's around the yard back at the exporters place. I will now be there two days a week, mainly lowloader work which will be trips to the docks and sale grounds to drop stuff off and then return trips via farms, sale grounds or anywhere else there is machinery that has been bought and is awaiting collection.

A little 135 possibly? Stripped and washed and ready for breaking up for a rebuild. Interesting spool valves on this one too, I have never seen that before.



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Just a random shot really, I went off to move the creep feeders after having a shift round of the cattle. Quite innovative I thought!

Another of the 698T with the Spearhead, which is done with for another year and washed off and parked up.



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MF698T parked in the shed after a days work and along side, her smaller cousin the MF550.

A trailers having been brought in from a supplier. They are old chassis with new bodies and tipping gear on them, for the exprt market again mainly.



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