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Graham's Work


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the fendt looks a bit of a handfull pete but some big rubber like you say  ;)

  thats the place adam not sure when we starting if you not busy when we do you still up for some work  ;)

Certianly am Graham mate, if thats okay, will look foraward to it. Matey, let me no when you here anything if you could.

Thanks Mate. Ad

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Looking at them two MF's.. ..  I reckon they gave that van a good kicking the night before. They both look to cool and collective for my liking, thugs! You want to watch them, parking your gear round there mate  ;):D

Must be some wieght in that feeder too, loo at the rear tyres on that little 6320.

No pics of the CVX trying to sneak out of that shed unnoticed?  :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

we milked this parlour in thursday night , the parlour and all the people involved had to be there as it was blessed by the local vicar , dont think it was blessed to well them cows did not want to come in ,i was blessing ok let me tell you but good evening finished of by fish and chips that the farmer bought us bless him ::)



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