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McKeemur Farm & M.Murray contracts

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I have a good idea for you first........floorboards :P::):D :D :D;)

Seriously though take it slowly and concentrate on one area at a time, don't rush it. Take a look at other peoples farms on here like Old Ford's and Smallclaas's and see if you can get any ideas from there :);)

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As Gav said!!!

I need to re-board my loft first but always find other things get in the way, its something you need to think about and try and stick to doing :-\

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I have a good idea for you first........floorboards :P::):D :D :D;)

Seriously though take it slowly and concentrate on one area at a time, don't rush it. Take a look at other peoples farms on here like Old Ford's and Smallclaas's and see if you can get any ideas from there :);)

at a glance i thought you'd said  concrete :D :D

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Well now that looks like it could be another good layout.

As Gav said Floorboards and if I where you, I would board up the truses as i can see you hitting your head on them  ;)

yeah  topflight  comedy :D :D :D

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Ya know what, its really a pity most of us have to go and do our stuff in cramped attics a bit like some underground movements from WW2.If I worked in the planning offices of a local council nothin would get passed unless it had a whopping great model room.

Good luck with ya model farm looking forward to it


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Ya know what, its really a pity most of us have to go and do our stuff in cramped attics a bit like some underground movements from WW2.If I worked in the planning offices of a local council nothin would get passed unless it had a whopping great model room.

Good luck with ya model farm looking forward to it


Try living in a 400 year old house - I wouldn't even want to venture into the attic let alone put my farm models up there ;)

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ok todays work

doesnt look like much but im doin rightly, most of the time was spent thinking it out! got the 8x4ft mdf sheet screwed down and in place and fitted a light (pic 2), then i fitted a bucket to string so that i can put bits and bobs in the bucket when im in the garage(which is below the space i made) then i pull the string to pul the buckets of tools up, saves carry tools while trying to climb the ladder. then i put 2 sheets of thinner mdf which are going to be fields.

i just put the deutz in to let you see roughly what size it is



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Looks like a super area to work with, i can see this turning out realy well, One surgestion,  use ply wood where you will be putting all your weight the most, my experiance is that ply is alot stronger than MDF Just a tip, Cant wait to see the barn go up

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kiwi the 8x4 sheet of mdf is 15mm thick and its fairly safe but as you can see in the pictures about 2ft around the perimeter i lower. thats cause its only 5mm thicky but they are going to be fields so i wont have very much weight will on it, just about 40 bullocks ha ha!

thanks anyway

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oh and toyfarmer well the only way it will progress is if i get plenty of comments, because ftf is the only reason why i am doing this, just to show you guys something that you will enjoy watching over the next while.

so what im saying to all of you is keep the comments and questions flowing!!:) and i'll be happy to answer them

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kiwi the 8x4 sheet of mdf is 15mm thick and its fairly safe but as you can see in the pictures about 2ft around the perimeter i lower. thats cause its only 5mm thicky but they are going to be fields so i wont have very much weight will on it, just about 40 bullocks ha ha!

thanks anyway

Good to see you have it well thourght out, cant wait to see some colour and tracks in it

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