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Working with Brass - hints and tips



It is my intention to scratch build a few items this winter with the frame work or chassis' in brass.  Am I right in thinking this will be the best way forward to give the wieght and strength for one off's?  Also am I right in thinking that brazing is the best way to make the strongest joints?  Next up - can anyone give me suggestions on the best equipment to use bearing in mind that I wont be doing a huge amount, but want to do a good job when I do.  Final one - any other hints and tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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No need to braze as solder is more than adequate

Brazing takes too much to heat and would distort the outlying metal and also soften it too much

All you need for a start is a good minature blow lamp ,some flux and some solder  and maybe a decent little brass wire brush

Experiment to see what you can do and away you go

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Ok so you guys do not suggest a soldering iron. I tried it but the joint did not stick so I ended up using super glue. Any pics you can post, I think a topic on building with brass, hints and tips would be very valuable (to me at least)  ;D

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So we need to find us a master brass technician then tris to show us how it's done.  ???;D

No Jez my man, we are going to practice untill we are blue in the teeth and be absolutley perfect at it!!  ;D

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