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Farming action near M?nchengladbach, Germany, 2007-09-30

Richard de Florennes

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Due to some friendly and one very offencive experience in this forum today (showing me that I am not very popular amongst some of you ...) I changed my mind again: Will let you see what I saw on the fields when ever possible and without any restrictions - as a thank you to all of you whol helped me with helpful hints, links, pictures and other forms of invitation. Now to Sunday September 30 which coincidenced with my birthday - here is what fortune sent me as a present ...

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Due to some friendly and one very offencive experience in this forum today (showing me that I am not very popular amongst some of you ...) I changed my mind again: Will let you see what I saw on the fields when ever possible and without any restrictions - as a thank you to all of you whol helped me with helpful hints, links, pictures and other forms of invitation. Now to Sunday September 30 which coincidenced with my birthday - here is what fortune sent me as a present ...

That's not what we like to hear, hope it was not too unpleasant for you mate.

Happy Birthday for yesterday.  :)

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Yes, all implements shown here are harvesting sugar beet. The owner of ROPA (yes, another great German brand) was formerly engaged with Holmer (German, also producing large self-propelled beet harvesters) which works closely together with Britains great brand Standen ...

However, I like this one from Denmark much more:



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Thanks for the nice feedback and the good wishes.

Regarding all your questions:

- Do not know anything special about this Fendt; it is a special coloured Fendt ("petrol blue", yes there used to be a limited edition Fendt in this colour scheme ...), which was was formerly used by a local Fendt trader for test-rides and tractor-shows/exhibitions and is nor operated second-hand by a local farmer

- Yes I am lucky, as this region offers rather good weather and a lot of interesting farming activity - I just need to drive a few miles. However, as I have seen quite a lot implements in the last weeks and months, I have reduced my tours a little bit and just used this tour while visiting my parents for taking pictures of every interesting item on the fields. Also, as our fields are not surrounded by hedges, but rather by straight and public rouds, you just take a binocular in the middle of the landscape and can see everything on the fields in a circle of 10 miles. Then you just have to keep the direction until getting there.

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