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Cottenham Ploughing Match... My mates Fergie

Lord Ferguson

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I think he pulled it out of a hedgerow.... so it was a freebie I guess... he told me the international plough was "highly adjustable" ... It's been heavily modified as you can see... it's got a trip on the toplink end to make it "dive" ... winders for just about everything... in fact... the only thing it didn't have was a kettle to make the tea  :D :D

I was talking to a chap I know at a fun charity ploughing  match weeks ago. I remember the first ploughing match he went to with a grey fergie. he even used a line to make his "feering" and the end result ... oh what a mess but it was his first attempt. That must have beem 10 to 15 years ago and now well a total transformation. He ploughs with a B250 Iternational and heavily modified plough including the trip toplink and all the winders etc as you describe above. As he says all those adds don't make you a better plougher it just makes it easier to make adjustments easily and quickly when you might not bother if you had to get out and use the shifting spanner.

So the moral of the story Marky practice makes perfection and we want to see your ploughing in another 10 to 15 years!!!!

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