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News from Grimme: trailed 6-row sugar beet harvester

Richard de Florennes

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"The new 6-row trailed sugar beet harvester Rootster 604 with 4-tonne buffer bunker shown the first time to the public on the Agritechnica 2007 in Hanover." 

see http://www.grimme.de/en/index.php, right on the bottom of the homepage ...

What do you think of this? Is this a retro development? Some say that trailed beet harvester ar dead or have new future - now this one?

As I am not a farmer I am very pleased about this development, bringing some old technology back to present ;-)

But you you think this will be a success on the European or British market? Obviously Grimme's marketing analytics predicted a potential interest in such a mashine and the 2-phase harvesting system ...

What might be the advantages of such a system in today's farming world? For the "smaller" or more medium-size farms which are not willing to rely on contractors' self-propelled mashines, but want to be independent and need a new generation implement?

Just can not wait to see reality, with at least three or four tractors needed on the field (one towing the topper, one the harvester and one or even better three towing the root trailers ;-))

What about a 1/32 scale translation by our famous conversionists in this forum?

Hoping for a hot discussion here,

yours, Sascha "Richard de Florennes"

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Word on the street in Germany at the time when Grimme frist got into beet harvesting was that they had alot of problems with there kit as they found beet are a differnt kettel of fish to harvest than what they were used too with spuds.

It will be interesting to see if the new grimme concept is widely taken up by beet growers.

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