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Simon M JD 3140


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could have bought a nice 3000 series, or a nice 168 like marcus, proper tractors :D :D

so you getting excited then?? cant sleep at night(nothing to do with mandy mind mate ;) )

It'll do me and its nicer than your tractor anyway  ;D ;D ;D ;D :o :o :o :o
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Your right Mark they must just be bitter and twisted  :D :D :D :D

Steady on Sean there's plenty of places to store a massey ,.................... you seen the price of scrap  :D :D :D :D

down shep or i am going to have to go to one of those massage parlours and send you an anoymous e-mail calling you nasty names :D :D :D :D :D

in all serious i can buy one, even now, but the closest palce i can store is a good 45 mins drive in the car, and in the summer more like a hr and a half, so just not worth it, needs to be close at hand to work on it/use it

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down shep or i am going to have to go to one of those massage parlours and send you an anoymous e-mail calling you nasty names :D :D :D :D :D

in all serious i can buy one, even now, but the closest palce i can store is a good 45 mins drive in the car, and in the summer more like a hr and a half, so just not worth it, needs to be close at hand to work on it/use it

I guess thats the trouble i'm quite lucky only keep mine 10 mins away form my house in my mates shed and i can go get it anytime and nick thier implements as well  :D :D :D
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i would have loads of space where i would keep it, they own a big nursery on the banks of the tamar, out the back of gunnislake way, but in the summer its a nightmare palce to get to, big tourist attraction for the views round there, so travels a pig, even in the winter,get stuck behind a wagon and bang 45 mins at the quickest 

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your neighbours are weird

they are, i guess i can see there pouint, why have 2 spaces ,and a garage(all be it full of junk ect, but not big) and leave a car on the road, when spaces are at a premium, not unknown when i first moved in, to be parked 200m odd away from the house

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they are, i guess i can see there pouint, why have 2 spaces ,and a garage(all be it full of junk ect, but not big) and leave a car on the road, when spaces are at a premium, not unknown when i first moved in, to be parked 200m odd away from the house

do you live in the town of contry side

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Thats it Simon, just treat these deluded Massey comments with the contempt they deserve ;) ;)

hey not all the massive are knocking the deere :( always found them good reliable tractors, confortable to drive & easy to use :) :), especially the 4055 i used to drive  ;)

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hey not all the massive are knocking the deere :( always found them good reliable tractors, confortable to drive & easy to use :) :), especially the 4055 i used to drive  ;)

Stop trying to get over the fence Marcus and back on the red side  :D :D :D :D
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didnt think to see what they ment then simon :D :D :D

It wasn't slowing it down so i thought what the hay  :D :D :D i did phone up my mate and he said it does that sometimes and there's a reset botton on it but not to worry about it so i didn't  ;) ;)
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