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Permastore and Separator

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25000 gallons of rain water, has it been a little wet over there mate :D :D :D :D or is that the leak dectector after being fitted??? looks a hell of a set up,

it was a wee bit wet there for a few months spent a few hours yesterday with the tanker sucking out the water looking in from the top i guessed there was about 18 inches so when its full there will be alot of dirty water  :D


about 3 o'clock today this was the heap of solid stuff


look at that for a guiness top  :D :D


sometimes i take pictures of a mess



filling up kept it going until 4.30


just in at the base of the pump before going to the separator theres another fews days left yet  ::) ::) :'(

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do you spread the solids then stephen, same as the liquids, or sell it on ?? looks a pretty good compost almost ,very dry looking

yes they will be spread we now don't have a midden so that load was tipped in th field for spreading later as time goes on i may do something with the solid stuff ws told to contact my local council maye as someone already said i may get pelleted but thats a further £5-6000 for that machine  ::) ......... the liqud will be stored from now on until the grazing season and used in conjuction with fertiliser and hopefully save me some money for models  :D :D ::)

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quite a few farms round here dump dung in the corner of fields ,some just enough ready for spreading ,other just a huge heap,

yeah i can just see the "jack and the bean stalk" style tommys after a does of fm's pellets

excellent at least we are now on the same wave lenght now Sean ..... 2009 largest tomatoes ever grown  :D:D

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in the field it can be stored no bother

we carn,t just tipp it like that over here because of the run off from the rain  kinder defeats the object of not spreading the stuff for five months but still being able to tip it on soil  ::) i think all these men i n suits have got it all wrong me self
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great set up  you have .................next job    with the permastore bein used for just dirty water will be a cover for it eh? give you even more storage capacity!!!!..........we roofed our midden for the same reason        but it was a sticking plaster on a broken leg........was all wrong back when it was designed but nobody would listen to me  thix is more the kind of thing we should have had    though  mind our set up was finished  and running in early `93 .

should keep you well within the rules now and as you say, probably  cost savings to come 



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Bloody hell this is interesting Stephen..... Not sure how I missed this for so long...

It makes a blooming good job doesn't it... I can't believe how dry those soilds look  :o - Brilliant system...

Go on.... go for it and sell the stuff mate.... people will be crying out for that on their gardens I reckon... looks like good stuff too  :o

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Bloody hell this is interesting Stephen..... Not sure how I missed this for so long...

It makes a blooming good job doesn't it... I can't believe how dry those soilds look  :o - Brilliant system...

Go on.... go for it and sell the stuff mate.... people will be crying out for that on their gardens I reckon... looks like good stuff too  :o

i'm going to make a stock pile of it for now lots of possibilities to consider maybe get them to come and get it as it is wee car trailer and use jcb to load it  :D :D thats a tenner please "thanks"......now move to i get that next traler in here..... we'll see  ;)

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It's happening around out way Stephen... using composted food waste... which makes a pretty poor, low grade compost so I understand it  :-\

Yours would be the real deal.... go for it I say... I think you need a license though in the UK... not sure about you fella's mind you  :-\

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It's happening around out way Stephen... using composted food waste?e... which makes a pretty poor, low grade compost so I understand it  :-\

Yours would be the real deal.... go for it I say... I think you need a license though in the UK... not sure about you fella's mind you  :-\

am still in the UK too  :D but a licence now ..... well we could maybe not i hate licenses i,ll soon have a whole list of the damm things

one for the car

                for a gun to shoot a pest

                to be allowed to AI a blooomin cow

                to use pesticide spray safely

                to drive my jcb in my yard

                and believe it or not one to be able to mix silage/meal together

                            i need not continue but if i have to get a licence i,ll tip it behind the ditch  :D :D :D

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