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CNC front weights



I was wondering is there a market for CNC cut individual fornt weights like the real thing, bolt together on a hook frame like the real thing?

Im looking in to JD ones at the moment made from alloy, around 3mm thick,

Would there be a market..... If there was id do others also

So is it worth going any further?

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It sounds a bit thick to me  :-\ I have some Brian Norman ones here or a County I think and they be thin little bu66ers.

I was meaning the thickest aloy he can work,

im  working on2/3mm for the weights

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They sound good Nick, one small thing though, how much would they weigh with regards to posting them to people over here as that may limit your market somewhat if its too costly, well initial price too for that matter :-\

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Good job problem is u on other side of the planet

They sound good Nick, one small thing though, how much would they weigh with regards to posting them to people over here as that may limit your market somewhat if its too costly, well initial price too for that matter :-\

Unless he got a UK supplier  ;) ;) ::)

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Its still a problem though Blake as postage prices to that part of the world from here are sometimes as much as the goods are worth, probably the same in reverse as well, so the UK stockist would have to put the price up to compensate ;)

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they can be bought already as tris said, henri walker does them in white metal, and loads of german sites do as well, even resin ones on pma, if he answers his e-mails that is, they are very jd looking in shape, come complete with the tractor frame to, for 30 odd euros, set of 10 from memory

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they can be bought already as tris said, henri walker does them in white metal, and loads of german sites do as well, even resin ones on pma, if he answers his e-mails that is, they are very jd looking in shape, come complete with the tractor frame to, for 30 odd euros, set of 10 from memory

Is henri's not the usa shape of weight??

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Lookin at henris cat

They are the usa shape

from a 8400 deere 5mm thick  Must be the precision model cast which is 3 wafers in one block i think

ford county is 4 mm thick

and another ford weight 1.5 mm thick - diff shape to the ford/county one

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