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Book Collection

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I don't know if this has been done before or whether it should be in this part of the forum or under collections :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ but as well as the models reading about tractors keeps me warm on long winter evenings, yes I'm a sad old git :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[

So I thought I would post the collection and see if anyone has any thoughts on their favourite books.

As you can see I have no particular colour bias, well only a little one, and I have books on a number of different marques.


I do have to say that my personal favourite is Four Wheels Ahead the story of SAME Tractors by Massimo Di Nola, but really I like anything that tells the story of how the companies started and how they got to where they are today.

The next purchase will be one of the Stuart Gibbard books on the Ford tractor story


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Some interesting reads there, we have plenty in our house but sadly they're all 'tractor goes to....*somewhere*' or 'tractor does....*something*' and aimed at toddlers [for my son you understand, I am onto 7+ myself  :D]

And hopefully, all things being equal, you'll soon have another one to add to the collection, which Andy and I discussed on Sunday. Watch this space. Well, not this one, but you'll know which space when it appears... ;)

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