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Robbo's new cabinet


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'Er indoors relented and it was off to IKEA for a new cabinet that they call a "Billy" bookcase, 6 shelves and glass doors not bad for ?90

The intention is to have one shelf for each major manufacturer but at the moment it is a bit haphazard

Top shelf Ford, Fiat and New Holland, then 2nd shelf John Deere


Next one is the SAME's and the fourth one at the moment is a mixture of red ones, MF, Case and McCormick


The bottom 2 shelves are a bit of a hotchpotch of odds and sods that either don't fit in with anything else or are a different scale


Eventually I plan to have them as

1 Ford Fiat New Holland

2 John Deere


4 Deutz and the 1/25 models

5 CaseIH and McCormick


The I have to work on a second cabinet  ;D ;D ;D ;D just don't tell the better half yet "softly softly catchee monkee"


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Nice one Robbo.... Looks like a bargain for only ?90... good old Ikea...

One question... what's the crawler ???

It is a Ros SAME Explorer in 1/16 scale, it is going to be joined soon by a Cat Challenger 95E and hopefully an MT765 (if the bid is successful)

You probably can get more shelves... do you know I hadn't even though about that :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ back to IKEA this afternoon then  :D :D :D


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I'd like to see some more pics of that sometime please Robbo.

Another question...

Do you have lights for the cabinet ??? - and if not... any plans to have...

I've still not got lights in my cabinet, which is something I really must get around to sorting out sometime in the near future  :-[

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I'd like to see some more pics of that sometime please Robbo.

Another question...

Do you have lights for the cabinet ??? - and if not... any plans to have...

I've still not got lights in my cabinet, which is something I really must get around to sorting out sometime in the near future  :-[

The short answer is no, me and electrics don't mix, I'm just about OK with a hammer but anything more delicate than that and I need outside assistance, thats why I can't do any conversions I am just too ham fisted and I would ruin anything


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Picture from a distance of the whole unit would be nice too  :)

OK Bazza this ones for you


I have just got back from IKEA and I have got 2 extra shelves  @ ?10 each, unfortunately the trip cost me ?76 as the boss wanted a hall table and 3 picture frames  :-\ :-\ :-\ ah well a small price to pay really  ;) ;)


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looks great i need a cabnit

on the massey self there is a littel i think 165 and trailer go any info on it

The little Massey is a Corgi 135 and the trailer is from my childhood days, I think it was a Britains log trailer, I found it when I was clearing out my mothers loft and came across and old toy box. I used to have loads of tractors when I was a child but when I left home my mother gave them all to the local nursery school, they would have been worth a bit now and been quite rare


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The little Massey is a Corgi 135 and the trailer is from my childhood days, I think it was a Britains log trailer, I found it when I was clearing out my mothers loft and came across and old toy box. I used to have loads of tractors when I was a child but when I left home my mother gave them all to the local nursery school, they would have been worth a bit now and been quite rare


thanks very much shame that they went to the nursery

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I'm pretty sure it's a 165 robbo... at least mine is anyway  :-\

You are lucky it still has the tyres as well.. most of them fell off... they seem to have expanded over the years... or the hubs have shrunk perhaps  ???

You're right  :o :o :o I have just put my glasses on and had a closer look  ??? ??? ??? ??? I have been thinking it was a 135 doh!

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I'm pretty sure it's a 165 robbo... at least mine is anyway  :-\

You are lucky it still has the tyres as well.. most of them fell off... they seem to have expanded over the years... or the hubs have shrunk perhaps  ???

wonded why my dosnt have any tyres if its its 165 i will try and find one of them

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I'm pretty sure it's a 165 robbo... at least mine is anyway  :-\

You are lucky it still has the tyres as well.. most of them fell off... they seem to have expanded over the years... or the hubs have shrunk perhaps  ???

Its a matchbox kingsize 165 not corgi  ;):) :) :) :)

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  • 1 year later...

It's been some considerable time since I posted this topic but the cabinet has changed somewhat. Mrs R will only allow me to have the one cabinet as the other is for books  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? so I have to change them around on a regular basis and consign the older models to the loft.

One day I hope to convert the garage and then I can have all of them out at once......what a big kid am I  :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[

The top shelf....McCormicks


Second shelf, John Deeres


Third shelf small Fords including the FTF models


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Fourth shelf, Same's including pride of place to my PDC Jaguar 90


Specials and show editions including the FTF Precision Massey


Then shelf of Fendts, mostly limited editions


Finally the big stuff, mostly tracked and one artic


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Very smart growing collection Mike really nicely displayed, especially like your line up of Same tractors. I'm rather hoping with the  impressive recent realeases from Ros such as the Fiats we see some of the older Sames modeled in 1/32nd scale, like that 1/25 scale Galaxy brought down a scale, now that would be nice. :)

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er... Mike... that's a lovely collection.. but I msut have missed the Massey Shelf  ???::):D :D >:(

There's the FTF Massey 390H there, what more do you want?

As it happens I had a dealer boxed MF8690 delivered today, it's a Christmas present so I can't unpack it yet. The plan is also to get the new 1200 and cultivator as well as the 590 but it might have to wait until the New Year :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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