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I was going over to see a friend who has a farm where I dumped some of my old implements some 21 years ago when I moved from home. As I was driving over the road I was thinking when did I last see these implements and what would they be like after all this time. Thinking back I sold my Grey Ferguson TEF 20 back in 1996 so I must have collected the Mill loader at that time. Gosh that was nearly 12 years ago since I had had a vist to the "back howe" as my pal calls it. I was thinking to myself should I just load them up and scrap them since I don't use them any more or what ??? ???

Anyway first up a couple of shots of the two furrow plough which was used behind my Nuffield. It was originally a trailing cackshutt ( a reads o ) ;D ;D converted to the lift with Ransomes bodies fitted. The land screw still moved but the depth wheel screw was seized solid.



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Next up my old tool bar with 3 ridgers bodies. No spring trips on this one. Use low tinsel bolts and these would shear to prevent damage to the bodies ;D ;D I also have cultivator tines for this but they lay in a shed I have at my friends farm and I scrapped them many years ago to make some room in the shed.

Seems the toolbar has been in a fight with a fence recently



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Moving on the tattie harrows with small pins so that would have been used behind the TEF20. Would have looked stupid on the Nuffy ;D ;D


Next up the Jack spinner tattie digger. Even my MG 2 Ransomes managed to use this

I wonder who bent the handle was it Mr John Bull roaming around ???


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Another of the Jack digger with 2 pieces of harrows to the right.


Following on a picture of the name plate. I should really remove that and put it up in one of my sheds at home ;D ;D


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Now then after the home made snow plough that went on the back of the Nuffy or on to the front of the loader on the TEF 20 thats the last of my junk. The rest is from my friends farm and others ;D


I used that dumper some 21 years ago to move 15 tons of sand and gravel for my retaining wall my back garden. Looks as though this one is past restoration and could only be used as a donor vehicle


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Finally from the "back Howe" we have a couple of shots of an old hay turner. The name / maker of this one escapes me for now.

Me thinks something to do with pheasants perhaps ;D ;D



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Well now up the road to the farm for a cup of coffee.

My friend and wife and daughter were feeding the suckler cows and calves so I took some photos of the main tractors on the farm. They hobby farm and my friend has a full time job. It was amazing to see their 12 year old daughter Sarah handle to NH with loader with such care and expertise when shifting the bales for her folks. She didn't want to be photographed though ??? ???

First up the J Reg ford 8240 with dauls and leveller getting ready to prepare for sowing.



Following on is a P reg NH with a Quickie loader. I can't recall the model 74??? or summit like that perhaps ??? ???


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Finally the yard scraper an MF65. It's a fairly original straight tractor. My pal and his brother in law renewed the pistons and rings last year so its mechanically good and starts well. I do so so wish they would power wash those wheels evey so often though >:( >:(


They also have a D reg MF industrial loader by that was being used inside and I didn't want to get my feet covered in cow shix  ;D ;D

Another time perhaps

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some intresting old bits of machinery in that lot. so are you going to scrap your bits or sell them? the NH loader tractor looks like a 7740 to me  ;)

Well I don't know Mark. They ain't on borrowed money so they are costing me nothing ;D ;D

Seems a shame to scrap the plough, tool bar and tattie digger really. I am going to remove that name plate from the tool box of the Jack digger though before anyone else does ;D ;D

You could be right on the NH number I have a terrible memory if I don't right numbers down. In addition I could not see it even in a zoomed shot since that darned loader was obscuring it >:(

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Great old pics well worth looking at, they remind me of the days when I was actually in the farming business. The hay turner will be a Willy Pheasant and it was made by Lely although I remember them being red, funny how the memory goes  ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


edit I just love the translation of the c o c k word

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Great old pics well worth looking at, they remind me of the days when I was actually in the farming business. The hay turner will be a Willy Pheasant and it was made by Lely although I remember them being red, funny how the memory goes  ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


edit I just love the translation of the c o c k word

Thanks Robbo so it had something to do with game birds ;D ;D

The translation on that word really does my head in given my Sunday name is William ;D ;D

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It would be a shame to scrap them, they would look nice restored. Thats quite a novel anti-theft device around the ridger :D :D

It would be a shame to scrap. I might actually take the tattie digger home for a garden ornament... back garden not the  front since the neighbours might not like that parked out the front ;D ;D

In addition my friend says it gives the cattle something to claw themselves on so he is not keen on them being removed ;D ;D

Oh that barbed or piked wire is horrible stuff to deal with. I just hope the young calves don't get caught up on it when they are out to pasture

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They bring back memories - not all good. :D Those bits of machinery still don't make much at sales unfortunately.

The wuffler may have been a Bamford in that colour  ??? although they were all classed as *** Pheasants.  :)

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They bring back memories - not all good. :D Those bits of machinery still don't make much at sales unfortunately.

The wuffler may have been a Bamford in that colour  ??? although they were all classed as *** Pheasants.  :)

I assume the bad memories are picking tatties after those diggers had scattered them John ??? ???

The best thing I like about tatties is when they are boiled and on my plate  ;D ;D

I'm going back soon to take off the Jack of Maybole tool box lid so I will check to see if I can see any names or plates on the pheasant.

I agree with you such machines would make very little at a sale and probably worth more in scrap at present day value but I'll keep thenm their for the cows to claw on ;D ;D

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Could the turner be a Kidd - I'm sure they made them also.

NH is a 7740 or 6640 to me and very clean both are ;D

Kidd ...and I always though that was the name for a young billy goat Colm ;D ;D

I sure they have had the 8240 from nearly new when his mother and father were still dairying there so they must have had it around 16 years. Looking close its beginning to lack paint in places.

I sure the one with the loader starts with a 7. It's P reg and was bought second hand just a few years ago. Yes it quite tidy for it age but not quite as tidy as the NH which JDC traded in recently ;D

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Dont scrap them , espisally the plough the roller (ebay the roller) if you went to far from us i recon my dad would buy the plough of you

Marshman. I would willingly give the plough away if anyone was actually going to put it to use. I'm sure I paid something like ?4 for it in 1978 at my uncle's roup. Had a lot of fun with it prior to my Nuffield being restored in 1982. Ploughing was never perfect but the ground was turned over.

As for the roller its not mine for resale but I'll take offers ;D ;D

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Some nice looking stuff at that sale Robbo. Do I see a Ransomes combine in the distance ??? I can certainly see the Ransome name on something thats Orwell blue and its not an MG2 ;D ;D

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