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Does this get me in the Massey Massive?


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Ok, details:

I spent a couple of days on these two babies.

The 2wd 3060 has done about 3500 hours and is a F reg.

The 4wd has done about 5000 ish.

I have no idea on names of specs etc in the cab or hp as I have green blood in my veins..........

A few more:




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one days driving and you want membership just like that :D :D :D not with all those green things  you own

great shots mate, whos are they then?? the lot you work for

Well sean, yes actually  ;) ;) Ha Ha, only kidding.

They are my girlfriends uncles, I was back on them today seeding some some grass.




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thats a far better view than a green bonnet mate  :D :D lok 3 tringles and not a green prancing deere thingy

Don't know about that :-\ In that view it looks like the dashboard out of an Austin Maestro :D

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Come on Mark thats being awfully harsh on a poor old ................Maestro  :D :D :D

:D :D :D

So jez did it make you enjoy a green machine more? i know the old 390 i drive made the old 6400 jd feel like heaven ;D ;D

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Alrite Jez , now i think you need to sit in a quiet darkened room and get over the shock of being on a massey.  ;D Seriously i know a good shrink :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Consider myself in a darkenned area, sorry sir..........  :'( :'( :-[:-[

You just as well go join them now Jez your no longer welcome in the elite JD supreme  >:( >:(>:(

Look at the rust on that J plate massey  :o :o :o :o

Sorry Simon, how can i make it up to you? Some JD pics? JD freebies?

Well done Jez.. greta pics mate... Massive paperwork in the post right now  ;):D :D :D

Thanks mate, but i'm not calling you lord......  :D :D

:D :D :D

So jez did it make you enjoy a green machine more? i know the old 390 i drive made the old 6400 jd feel like heaven ;D ;D

Yes it did make me think how nice a 50 series or 40 series would be but the man likes masseys, he does have a 459 JD small baler though (pics in the summer)

Couple of v. nice tractors.  ;) A 65 4wd - nice.

Pity about the worms on the silver cab metal.....

In all honesty, they are great tractors and give no trouble either and considering they are all electric hitch functions they work as new  ;) ;)

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, seems like I have some making up to do to get myself back in the JD pride, I will do myself justic this week at grassland for you green folk.  ;) ;)

That's not to say I wont get some more pics of other machines though.

This post was brought to by The John Deere Man, the views and comments are neutral.

If anyone believes they have been mentally scared by seeing a green man on a red machine should PM me for a free feel better John Deere Keyring.

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offering free keyrings now are you mate ;):D :D

i feel scared that they let you in one in the first palce :D :D :D can i have a fergy one for my pain

Sorry mate, no massey keyrings here but I will get some pics at grassland for you, oh and if they have a free hat sean I will get you that........  :D :D

Oh, and i used to have a TEA 20 by the way, I'll scan some pics one day  ;) ;)

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ok let you off mate

must say they look in good condition other than the usual door problems, shame they never got that sorted even in the later ones, probally one of the last good classic masseys before they killed the line with the first 6 series ones

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Purebred classics the pair of them Jez. Nice to see the images in a better size on the old PC now mate. Lovely jubbly. Any weekends in the summer spent there doing anything then? :)

Yes sireeeee, i will probably be baling on the 2wd and raking and tedding too.

Pics when we start  ;) ;)

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